


5 years, 11 months ago



The twin of Haagenti and the former Angel of Diligence. Ronové is a lust demon who loves food. He makes the most of his situation on earth by vowing to consume only the finest things. He has a refined palette and is very picky. People often describe his tastes as 'expensive'. Highly intelligent, but mysterious and vague.

“i'll have a ball and devour whatever the menu brings; poisons galore? i don't care, bring me more.”

  • AGEas old as humanity
  • Gender Male-presenting
  • Height 5'8" (178cm)
  • Speciesold seraphim
  • Occupation Food connoisseur
  • Alignment. chaotic neutral

yai’chepekote - 饿死 - 'to die of starvation' 

Theme: ひとしずく×やま△ - Crazy ∞ nighT

A lover of parties and food, Ronové is a charming and surprisingly gentlemanly demon who presents himself as a gourmet with fanciful tastes. To the north, he is given the name Yai'chepekote, a spirit that passes through villages and demands a grand feast- sucking away the food larder. To the south to the capital, he is known as a socialite who throws grand balls to consume rich foods and gossip. His exotic appearance and eccentric personality have earned him a lordly reputation with a strong network.

Formerly a priest that preached the word of his creator god alongside his twin, he had the task of judging the souls and the weighing of their sins. Ronové lived a relatively exclusive life as a pastor. It was easy to convince him that the only way he could seek new knowledge was by joining Silbe's cause, rebellion, and subsequent banishment for the sake of firsthand experience in the mortal realm. He makes the most of his current situation by soaking up as much as possible, and gathers information with ease- giving out barely any in return. He willingly spreads lies for his own gain, and to get himself the perfect position in the social ladder to get the most of what he needs. Needless to say, his time on earth has turned into some sort of wicked demonic deviant. If his past self were to see him now, he surely would have fainted. He utilises anything he can and exploits human vices to weasel information out of others, anything from saying that he has eaten people and would eat them next, to showing his abilities and his benevolence. Compared to his fellow lust demons Zaleos and Seire, he interacts with humankind the most. He speaks effeminately and uses terms of endearment on anything that breathes. One might call him a controlled playboy?

Over the years his appetite for souls (he prefers the sweet or sour ones, whatever that means) expanded to an appetite for human cuisine. Ronové is particularly proud that he manifested into a lust demon rather than a gluttony demon- as he considers his palette 'highly refined' and is ultimately a very picky and selective individual. He actually has little interest in romance, but is sexually active and enjoys sexuality as a subject- as this is not a topic covered at all among angelic creatures, who only see sex as a way to continue one's lineage.

Slightly sybaritic, but not wild.  Despite his mysterious nature, he sticks to the claim that he is a gentleman even when he's actively tricking someone. His favourite word used to describe himself is 'chivalrious'. Although he treats his guests with proper aristocratic protocol publically, it doesn't change the fact that he toys with them as some sort of master of a gossip empire. He is charming and charismatic in a twisted, unique way. There is something about the way he carries himself, half morbid and half aristocratic flair, that makes others want to seek him out and join his extravagant parties.

In the pantheon he is delegated as the official 'cook', mostly because he is the only one who can make a better than average meal. He knows all of his siblings' likes and dislikes, and depending on his mood he'll make one or the other. He is overly concerned with table ettiquette and lecturing his siblings about it is the only time he would raise his voice against them. Ronové is also one of the few who has a normal understanding of romance and romantic relationships, even if he chooses not to pursue any of his own. It's probably a remnant of his upbringing.

Lust demon physiology: Possess scaled, bird-like legs. Generally have a polite disposition but almost border on bipolar; they can jump from gentlemanly to lustful for no reason. Don't have horns but rather wings sprouting from their heads. Manifests in a variety of bird species in terms of color which establishes a power hierarchy. Stronger lust demons tend to look like bird of prey and require sexual emotion to survive. Songbirds are the weakest descending in size order and can live off affection and attention.

Old Iyrin physiology: Mostly suppressed unless under DIRE DIRE, he'll-die-otherwise, circumstances. Pale-to-the-point-of-white-skinned humanoids with no discernable racial features. Golden eyes that hurt to look into. In fact, looking at them hurts in general, as they radiate a constant bright warm light. Their presence makes living things feel submissive and inclined to serve them. The only group of Iyrins that possess halos made of raw, condensed sunlight. A pair of feathered wings grow somewhere along their back.

Determination of Identity: Ronové manipulates the concept of knowledge. At a touch of anything that exists under the sun, Ronové can determine its name, use and value. This allows him to find any alternatives for an object or measure the strength of two individuals. This also allows him to see whether or not the trade off of an action would be valuable. For example, if Ronové determines that using the bridge to cross the river would not be ‘valuable’ (maybe the bridge seems very liable to collapse), then he will simply search for an alternative.

Removal of Identity: Because Ronové can determine names, especially true names, he can be a difficult adversary to deal with. Like Haagenti’s ability to remove knowledge, Ronové can force an individual to temporarily or permanently forget the meaning of a word, and thus no longer be able to utilise said thing. The object ‘sword’ can only be identified as a sword because we understand that; a) it ISN’T anything that isn’t a sword; it isn’t a shield for example, and b) because we associate said item as ‘sword’. If Ronové ‘slashes’ the word ‘sword’ completely from one’s mind, then the object sword becomes obsolete, and it cannot be used by a person that doesn’t understand what it is - as it is no longer associated as a weapon. Note that this only works on words and not sentences, he cannot erase ‘actions’, only nouns and proper nouns. A form of Stream manipulation. Also a form of mind control.

※ his full name is Ronove Diligere.
※ uses 'sessha'.
※ doesn't follow the lust demon hierarchy (in which stronger lust demons are born to look like bird of prey, and songbirds are the weakest descending in size order), but he is a red-winged blackbird variant.
※ he is an excellent and extremely generous tipper, and expects others he dines with to tip as well. always tip.
