Hey! If these are still open i’d love to buy the 3 icon bundle! 

Sounds good! Feel free to lmk who you want drawn! How will you be paying?

I can definitely do them! Apologies for the late response! Feel free to send the $2 here and I will get started on these soon! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Axocat

Sorry for the delay, should be sent !

I’m so incredibly sorry about the wait! I had the first two done for awhile but got busy and completely forgot!

Sending them now!

May I please get one of each of these bean? Dizc (blood warning), Jolt, Sinai (multiple eyes), Noi, Imon, Vic and Cakeberus? please

Cash / paypal

Hello! Are you still interested? :)

Hello! I'm still interested! However would you mind if I added 4 characters on? Remy, Lull, Hunttik and Frenchie Fry? <3 <3 <3

(also just wondering if you'd be able to do one of Maite, though they have four heads so I understand if not ^-^)

For maite I could definitely try! It may look a little different as I'll most likely have to use a larger canvas so line thickness will be different

And I can definitely do all of them! Without Maite it'll be $8 and with Maite it'll be $9

I don't mind doing them, it's whatever you want ^^

You can send the money here! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Axocat keep in mind this may take awhile to get back to you as this is a large order! But I will start working on them soon :)

I don't mind if it looks a little different!!! >u<! I'd really love to get Maite some more art <3

Sent the funds! <3 (including Maite ^-^)

Thankyou so so much!!! <3 <3 <3!!! and take as long as you need! ^-^ No rush!!! >u<!

I have finally finished all of these, so sorry for how long it took!!!!! I’ll be uploading all of them in a minute, let me know if there’s any changes or anything I missed and I’ll get that fixed! Thank you for your patience!

5 Replies

Hello! Are you still interested? :)

I would like to get 3, of of each of these characters




I would like to pay USD through cashapp

Hello! Are you still interested? :)

Eeeee could i get one of 


and ill be paying w points

Totally! Points can be sent here https://www.deviantart.com/axocat

I’ll get started soon! :)

Sent <3

halloo i was wondering if theres any updates its cool if not dw 

Any updates?

Hey! Sorry! I didn’t see these notifications!

got busy with work and volunteering and thought I’d get these done sooner but

working on yours right now I’ll get it to you soon!!


Sorry this has taken so long to get to! I've been suuuper super busy especially with school starting but I'm done! Sending over now!

Tysmm :))

Hello could I get get three chibi icons of these three? 




And I'll be paying with da points

Who is the second one you’re linking to? It just links to a folder

Sounds good! Feel free to send the points over to https://www.deviantart.com/axocat!

I’ll get started soon :)


Hello! I was just wondering how the art was going? 

Hey! So sorry I completely missed this notification!

Super sorry I’ve been busy with work and volunteering and stuff it sort of all just happened super fast and I thought I’d be able to get the art done sooner than now

also was wondering if wisteria still belonged to you? I have the two done but noticed before I did that one and was wondering if they were or not since it seems they switched ownership

if they aren’t you’re free to switch them out for another character if you’d like!

1 Replies

Had these done for a little but completely forgot to give them to you sorry!!! Sending them over now :)

All good! 

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