Awh, I love the concept. And their names are just adorbs!

Plus, a Roald Dahl reference? Meow loves 😍🥰

I'm surprised you didn't make Eeny have a gum-chewing habbit, or maybe the kinda chara who has something in their mouth. Doesn't have to be a cigarette or even gum—maybe a piece of wheat? Like perhaps she has a habit of grinding her teeth or chewing her nails even.

Then you'd have all the terrible kids lmao.

Also, just realised that would make Tiny more-or-less the Charlie Bucket huh? Wonder who's the Grandpa Joe here...

They are adorbs! I need to get more art of them but to do that I need more refined ref sheets and a color pallet lol 

I guess it would keep with the theme to have Eeny chewing something wouldn't it. I'd probably have to work that in as for some reason I never thought of that 

I guess Tiny would be Charlie wouldn't he? I never even thought of that that's a good observation. And I have no idea who Grandpa Joe would be lol maybe his owner?