


6 years, 4 months ago



Name - Hiroki

Nickname - G-G-GHOST!

Gender - female

Built - Mare

Romantic to no one shes dead

Talent- Was a famous astronaut before the accident

Occupation - None if you don't count scaring ponies out of space back in earth

Dislikes - Ponies


Personality - She's ominous, when you look at her you can tell she's trying to say something to scream, but nothing comes out, cause no one can hear you in space, even when you're dying

She's never hurt a pony though, she just does stuff in their spaceship that'll freak em out enough to go home, throw stuff across the room etc


Back Story- Hiroki was an extremely famous astronaut, she was the pony who took the first step on jupiter, she loved going on trips into space and thought nothing could happen until one day.

Something was wrong with the ship outside, and Hiroki was the pony to go check it out, when she got out in her spacesuit to fix it, an astroid as big as her slammed into her pushing her against the ship, whole trying to get the thing off her she didn't realize the small crack in her helmet until it was too late, two other ponies went out to help her and saw her dead . The rest of the crew went home early and quit
