


1 year, 14 days ago


Age: 30
Height: 6'1"

Strikeman (Jason Porter) is a world renowned superhero who works alongside a squad of other incredibly skilled individuals to protect humanity from all that threatens it.

Jason was an orphan child who grew up watching many a superhero show, these aspirations for heroics continued with him throughout his life as he discovered his bizarre ability to gain strength and speed through his heart rate. However his desire to become a superhero petered out once he met his wife. They lived happily and had a child, all seemed well until one tragic day, Jason's wife was killed by a group of criminals. This event brought despair to Jason and his child, who seemed to lose all hope in the world, as did most other people in society. So to keep his child's hopes up and protect others from those who threaten the world, Jason became the defender of justice, the purveyor of truth, the hero to all that is good, the nightmare to all that is evil. He became the Unstoppable Strikeman!

Strikeman as a hero is constantly striving to be an inspiration to all, and does so in a kind of cheesy way, He'll routinely perform extreme poses and shout overly long speeches to hype himself up and to project fear into the opponent. As well he'll always make sure to say a cheesy one liner akin to an Adam West Batman to both aggravate the opponent and to tell any onlookers the dangers of disobeying road signs and littering. Jason on the other hand is a lot more subdued, still trying to be kind and somewhat heroic, he doesn't perform all his poses and speeches (as much as he may want to) to keep up appearances as a regular father.