


6 years, 1 month ago


Basic Information

Full Name: Marley Eglantine Meadows
Nicknames/Aliases: Marls
Title(s): None
Age: 20
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Pansexual
Species: Dryad (Dogwood)
Birthday: December 2nd
Occupation: None
Powers: Can shapeshift into a dogwood tree, and manipulate plant growth
Living Family: Mullein Meadows (father), Gillenia Meadows (mother)
Hometown: -tba-
Current Residence: -tba-

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'4”
Skin: Green
Hair Foliage: Dark green with dark pink flowers
Eyes: Pinkish-brown
Body Type: Skinny and twiggy. Also has slightly saggy breasts thanks to not wearing bras.
Distinguishing Marks: None
Left or Right-Handed: Right
Quirks/Habits: Chewing straws.
Voice/Voiceclaim: tba, on the quiet/soft side.

Medical Information

Addictions: None
Aids/Augmentations: None
Allergies: None
Conditions: None
Physical Abnormalities: None
Blood Type: ???
Mental Illnesses: None
Other Notes: Marley has a very fast metabolism, able to pack away quite a bit of food without gaining much weight.

Mental/Personality Attributes

Known Languages: English
Positive Traits: Intelligent, intuitive, considerate, polite, artistic
Neutral Traits: Shy, quiet, philosophical
Negative Traits: Paranoid, timid, morbid
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist: Realist
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Fears: Fire, plant-eating insects, clowns, doctors
Secrets: None


General Likes: Hunting, taxidermy, bone art, gardening, meat, mori girl fashion, the outdoors, beekeeping, candlemaking, drawing, leathercrafting, collecting postcards, cooking, hiking
General Dislikes: Caterpillars, breaking rules, seeing people fight, being stuck indoors, carbonated drinks, driving, things going to waste, gossip, breaks in routine, disorganization, social media, drama, malls
Animal: Deer (also has a soft spot for bees)
Color: Red
Food: Steak
Music Genre: Pop
Season: Autumn


Best Friend(s): None/tba
Other Friends: Oz, Amira, Brian, Vicky, Liam, Polly, Vera, Miranda, Damien (it's complicated)
Acquaintances: -tba-
Significant Other(s): Scott
Rivals: None
Enemies: Damien, formerly
Pets: A devil's flower mantis named Crocus.


Meaning of Name: Marley comes from an Old English name meaning either “pleasant wood”, “boundary wood”, or “marten wood”. Eglantine is from the eglantine rose, meaning “a wound to heal” in plant symbolism.
Religion: None/tba
Astrological Zodiac: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac: Tiger
Celtic Zodiacs: Elder and Hawk
Element: Earth
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Alignment: Lawful Good

  • Marley comes from a long line of hunters, and often turns her kills into “art” after harvesting all the meat.
  • Marley has also turned many past pets into art pieces after they passed away. It's a tradition in dryad culture.
  • Marley used to be relentlessly bullied by Damien, but they started getting along much better when they discovered their mutual interest of decorating corpses. (Damien still picks on her sometimes though.)
  • Marley is an early riser.
  • Marley's auditorium outfit is a fairy costume.
  • Marley is known in her school for being a “tattletail” if she catches someone breaking the rules.
  • Deer are Marley’s favorite animals to hunt. She admires their grace and has fun finding uses for their antlers.
  • Speaking of, Marley used to have a pet deer named Fennel that her family raised from a fawn after finding him orphaned in the woods. He eventually passed away of old age, and Marley has his head mounted above her bed.
  • Marley prefers walking around barefoot when she can get away with it.
  • Marley occasionally talks to the pets she's stuffed.
  • Marley is an excellent marksman.