


6 years, 1 month ago


▶ Personal Info
  • Name: Kai
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: ???
  • Age: ???
  • Height: 1.63 m. (5'4") (In his anthropomorphic form)
  • Species: Merman
▶ Appearance
He is a boy of very thin build and almost androgynous appearance. 
Kai’s original form it’s the one of a merman. As is characteristic of the species, he has semi-human appearance with physical features similar to an aquatic animal, being one his long fish-like turquoise tail, and the fins that extend from the sides of his head.
He can take a more anthropomorphic appearance, to remain on the ground,  with legs in place of his tail, but most of his merman traits are maintained.
▶ Personality
Kai has a very vain personality, almost reaching the narcissistic. He loves being the center of the attention, so he shows a charming face in front of others.
He likes to act nice to mislead and get what he wants, and can become really arrogant and childish if things don’t work the way he would like to.
Very proud, he hates to recognize his mistakes. He doesn’t tend to be interested in affective relationships, usually just looks to get something from others or just spend time to not to get bored.


  • Himself.
  • Soft and fluffy things.
  • Strawberries.
  • Compliment and praises.
  • Beautiful clothes.
  • Music.
  • Being ignored.
  • Meat.
  • Work.
  • Apparently most of surfacers.
  • Recognize his mistakes or that he's wrong.