— artois



1 year, 11 days ago

Basic Info

name —


age —

early 20s

gender ++ prns —

agender, they/she/he

sexuality —


fandom —

genshin impact

vision ++ weapon —

cyro, bow

region —

fontaine, frequents mondstadt

occupation —

bartender (fatui spy)


artois, whose birthplace is common knowledge due to their heavy french accent and name, is a bartender who travels to other nations frequently to collect new ingredients and ‘exchange’ ideas with other alcohol-related businessmen. in reality, that’s a coverup for them to visit other fatui stations across teyvat to gain and share information they’ve gathered on their journeys. currently, they’ve booked a place in mondstadt, not far from the dawn winery.

they intend to learn more about the secrets of the mondstadt archbishop, eleazar, alongside the other elusive members of the church. their goal is to help the faux archon, avaritia, rise to power and overthrow loptr, the real anemo archon.

not much is known about artois’ past, but they are generally regarded as a charismatic, witty and sly character. most harbor little to no suspicion about their story, and they utilize their desirability in the looks department to fish out secrets from their unsuspecting enemies. not the strongest fighting capability wise, but they definitely hold emotional walls that makes them hard to break. with a high tolerance for pain, artois is formidable opponent once they have their piercingly cold arrows and occasionally an improv molotov or two..