


1 year, 6 days ago


Okay, so sci-fi cyberpunk guy who is a vampire and has gotten big into the prosthesis and cybernetic enhancements. Since vampires are usually depicted as being in permanent state cybernetics has given him the ability to customize and keep up with the times, which is something he had a hard time with before.
But yee so with cybernetic enhancements he did skin implants that allow him to change and alter the appearance of his skin, that's where the squid vibes play a bit. So he mostly does it to like ad blemishes and freckles, add tattoos, generally look more like an everyday person instead of some supernatural creature
Same with his eyes and because of cyberpunk not many people questioning fangs.
Probably did some stuff with hair too since like styling and stuff if hair insists upon being maintained in one basic state, but idk since I haven't entirely decided what the limitations are being put on a vampire here. Like is he completely one state at all times and wants to mimic that feeling of human change and alteration or are some things like hair maintained in one state or a situation of if you cut it it's gone forever. Haven't settled one way or another.
Also, a question of how he became a "vampire', is he a true vampire, or is it technology that mimics vampirism (like nanobots that halt the aging process)
Also the question of space and vampires having a weakness to uv rays. Space lacks all the protections that Earth's atmosphere provides against uv rays, so how does he compensate for this? Does he need special uv blockers for his ship, home, etc. or is he one of those vampires that doesn't have that particular weakness? If so, what is his weakness?
Leaning toward the nanobot idea, but he still needs to drink blood, why? Either nanobots use the iron in blood as a useful material or the nanobots are causing blood toxicity that requires transfusions. If going the transfusions route then his fangs would be cybernetic enhancements that send the blood straight into his bloodstream. Of course, this requires a couple of things, that he has to pick victims based on blood type since he is trying to avoid blood rejection, and second that he has to have a position with access to personal information, likely bureaucratic? This means victims need to be kind of low profile and not raise any red flags that will lead back to him. Ideally would give him the most common blood type then, since it gives him a wider pool to draw from.
Why do the nanobots not spread from person to person? Thoughts on this are that they are attuned to a dna signature so they immediately stop functioning in anybody but his own.