


11 months, 27 days ago


Base by lilwolfdoq on DevaintArt Moodboard by Atelas on Instagram Design by OreoLynx

If there is something you shouldn't do is telling Crumble where the next party is being held. This party animal may seem deaf to his co-worker's orders and requests when it comes to work, but whenever there is a party involved he is all ears.

Adoring new experiences and experimenting Crumble has easily become the best bartender at the club where he works along with Dart. Making the most exotic and newfangled drinks the guests have ever had before. The only downside about him is that his best creations have come at the cost of a heavy hangover that he drags during work hours after he has drank one too many failed cocktails and mixings.

Whenever Crumble is not enjoying the club's ambiance while mixing brews this fox enjoys exploring the city and tasting exotic dishes and food items, looking for inspiration for his next hit-mix.

--------------About him------------

  • Name: Crumble
  • Gender: Male
  • Occupation: Bartender
  • Likes: Mixology, urbex, exotic food, parties.
  • Dislikes: Staying still, overly serious people, silence