
Background info:

Lamb of God, a cryptid that is best known around the peak of Catholicism in Rome (310s CE)

Villages would one day have a random visitor from what they could only describe as a Deity right before their very eyes.

The Lamb described they were God's new child, in the form of a hybrid of a Lamb, Spider, and man, and they had been sent here to reward the people of the village and protect them, and all they had to do was worship it in return. Zero questions asked, the people rejoiced at the gift god had sent then, and worshipped the creature as its new deity, welcoming it to its villages with open arms.

The people seemed to settle into the new routine quite quickly, eager to repay their Lord for this wonderful gift. Lamb was constantly prayed to and was given many many gifts. During the day, the people would give offerings and worship the Lamb, and at night everyone went to sleep. 

But eventually, they came to realize,  people were suddenly going missing

They would learn... Every night, the Lamb would eat people...

sometimes people realized too late...

But nevertheless the end, all the people would end up eaten to sustain the Lamb's insatiable hunger.

thus, the Lamb of god moves on to the next village...


Lamb of God stands at approximately 8 ft. When on all 6 legs


It has a mixture of mammal and arachnid organs and limbs

It has the brain of a human, with the instincts of a spider with wanting to capture prey, and the speed of a lamb (×6)

It has a set of false closed eyes to seem more peaceful to its prey; its real eyes are above them, pretending to be eyebrows

Lamb eats its prey by usually shooting spider silk in its mouth to deafen any sounds of panic the prey may make, and wraps them in silk very quickly around the torso and arms and legs, then fits the food into its mouth as fast as possible, as its way of hunting is more sneaky then direct

Its false face is pushed over its head (like removing a hood) with tiny arachnid-like arms that hook over the 'lips' and pushes the skin over and off

The same tiny arms are used to remove meat chunks that got stuck inside the folds of throat

It has multiple rows of teeth, and as the food it swallows goes down their throat, as the throat is a funnel shape, the food gets more and more broken down by Lamb's rows of sharp teeth along the throat, until it is easy to digest in its stomach

Lamb's way of surviving is coercion, tricking, and hiding in plain sight until they can silently devour their victims whole, one by one

Lamb of God's prior knowledge of societal rules and religion is unexplainable