Sammie Panda



1 year, 18 days ago


Sammie Panda was born and raised in the peaceful region of Chun Nan alongside other families. She called it home until coming of age where she chose to go on a journey to find a suitable place to set up her dream spa. Her travels took weeks, but she arrived at town populated with various colourful characters and set to work in setting up her new home and spa. Settling in and finding business was difficult initially until one Inferno Firefox came by to inquire about a job there. After allowing him to showcase his skills, she asked him if there were any potential customers who might be interested in her spa. She would later be greeted by a group of gym pals who enjoyed their time in the spa, and even started getting feelings for Jimmy Kangaroo after providing him with a personal massage as the others relaxed in the springs. She would later be offered a place at Jimmy’s home as thanks for her new business and even offered a partnership of the love variety. Since then, Sammie has relaxed in her new home but isn’t afraid to express her true emotions in her own language should the time call for it.