

1 year, 21 days ago


I take you where you want to go. I give you all you need to know.
Damien Vaughn
Bigfin squid

US [Gulf of Mexico]

Lawful Evil
Freedom fighter

Very forthright and pragmatic. Damien has very little patience for stupidity or anything he deems beneath his notice or not worth his time. He has a large ego and thinks very highly of himself, and he will often exploit others in order to benefit himself. He doesn’t deal well with other people’s emotions and tends to be dismissive of them.

He is often very manipulative and controlling; he has a tendency to become extremely distressed if he isn’t in control of a situation and will do practically anything to get the upper hand. Praise doesn’t come easily to him, either towards himself or towards others, and he is often a bit of a perfectionist. He is extremely clever and an excellent strategist, though sometimes his own arrogance will work against him.

  • Being in control
  • Military history
  • Darkness
  • Stupid people
  • Not being listened to
  • Pointless small talk
Confidence [ 90% ]
Charisma [ 70% ]
Honesty [ 10% ]
Diligence [ 75% ]
Intelligence [ 95% ]

  • He isn't very forthcoming with information about himself or his past generally.
  • Is the leader of an organisation of seafolk revolutionaries who spend most of their time blowing stuff up and generally being a public menace.
  • They quite often free other seafolk from places like aquariums or slaughterhouses.
  • Though he much prefers being in his natural form, he doesn't get much of a chance due to his job.
  • Though he doesn't often tell new recruits this for fear of driving them away, his ultimate goal is to drive mankind out of the oceans forever.
Design Notes

  • Slender, decently well-muscled, though he has a small layer of fat hiding his muscle definition.
  • Instead of hair he has a long, translucent membrane attached to his head. It has the appearance of flowing, mid-length hair.
  • Extremely long, spindly tentacles when in his natural form. Pinkish skin markings extending down from his eyes, along his torso, and on the tips of his ears, fingers, and tentacles.
  • Often wearing a black turtleneck with a black military jacket and black pants. Likes combat boots. Tends to keep a ski mask on his head worn like a beanie.