
1 year, 3 months ago



  • Full Name
  • Birthday
  • Age
  • Species
  • Element
  • Origin
  • Location
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Status
  • Lifespan
  • Rank
  • Kiri
  • June 14th
  • 23
  • Poison x Swamp 
  • Poison
  • Lamua Swamp
  • Shivani's Group
  • 229 Kg
  • 173 Cm
  • Rare
  • 1-110
  • Bounty Hunter

Physical Description

• Yes
• Yes
• Yes

Character Information


• Mate
• Keriko, Unknown
• Myri (Half Brother), Tanaka (Young Sister).
• Young Adult
• Eskha

Stats / Strengths 

  • Elemental P.
  • Physical P.
  • Defense
  • Elemental D.
  • Speed
  • Water S.
  • Stamina
  • Scores 5/6
  • Scores 5/6
  • Scores 4/6
  • Scores 4/6
  • Scores 5/6
  • Scores 5.5/6
  • Scores 5/6

Advantage / Disadvantage 

- Forester
- Water
- Metal

- Fire
- Sand
- Earth

Unique Ability: False Security: Similar to the ability glowing lights, this unique ability will cause the spines on the individual's back to glow. Wolves who spot the glow feel a sense of security and warmth, and thus, are drawn closer to the individual. Then, once the victims are close enough, the individual's spines release a poisonous gas into the air. The victims have no way to avoid it, and thus, die in an hour from inhaling the toxic gas if they're weak to the poison element, if they're strong the gas will knock them out for a few hours. 


Kiri is a cold and quiet young adult, since the day she was born her life was rough, her mother was brutally killed by the Shadow Clans while her father escaped and left her all alone, she managed to survive by being the care of a mox who took her in when she was almost dying from starvation. She grew up loving and respecting the moxes, she is a bit shy at first and when approached she can come off as rude or cold, but deep inside she is very gentle and friendly.


Kiri was born to a couple of a swamp male and a female poison wolf, being the only pup that was born and also being a hybrid, her parents cherished her arrival and loved her deeply, it didn't take long than 4 years for the small family to welcome another young pup named Takana whom Kiri became the best sister to. However their happiness ended when Kiri reached 10 years old, their family were attacked by the Shadow Clans and their mother was brutally murdered by shadow wolves, before dying she managed to hide Kiri while Keriko cowardly took Takana and ran away. After watching her mother die, Kiri still hidden was found by a Mox who took care of her as if she was her own kit, she grew up with the female Mox and her 4 kits till she reached 16 years old and after that she left them to fend for herself. 

It took Kiri a lot of learning on how to hunt so she wouldn't starve but she eventually managed to overcome this obstacle, using her inherited swamp abilities to her favor she managed to survive till her young adult stage. Growing up fast, she learned how to fight and how to lure her victims using the glowing ability she inherited from her father, she rely on this method to get a quick snack or to do sneak up a surprise attack on her target. She became a bounty hunter and would usually accept food as payment, until one day she came across a psychic wolf named Shivani, she was stunned by Kiri's unique ability and wanted at every cost to have her by her side, Kiri accepted the offer to become her personal bounty hunter instead of an object from her collection. Her first mission was a success as the first victim she captured was a small poison pure hybrid named Tuuli. 

She does most of the hard work for Shivani as in keeping the sanctuary safe from enemies and going to difficult or harsh places that the other servants can't go, she also works just fine underwater, being able to breathe she can stay hidden inside a body of water for hours waiting for anything to approach the water without noticing her.


"Tuuli things would be easier if you just obeyed her, as a fellow poison wolf I don't you to get hurt." 

"Yes ma'am, I understand......Don't worry Shivani, I'll get the job done."

"Kuroichi get your ass inside the den now, it's getting late and Shivani doesn't want no one outside here, not even her 'daughter'."

"I have a feeling I know you but....Oh, aren't you the cosmic wolf that I gave that scar to? Heey, yeah about that-".

"I think you misunderstood me Kacey, I told you to step back and let me handle this, I know you want to please Shivani, but she would rather let me die than lose one of her precious sand wolves."

"You're.....Alive?........But not for so long....Because I'm gonna fuckin kill you myself!."

"Tanaka? Hey! Little sister I'm so glad to finally see you again? How's it going? You've grown so much little bush, it's nice to know you're alive."

"Who the heck are you? Myri? Wait....You look just like Keriko.....Oh, he's my asshole of a father- wait, he's your father too? Are we.....Siblings??."


- She is a swamp x poison hybrid, her mother was killed when she was only 10 years old while her father escaped the attack and left her and her young sister to die.

- Despite having the poison element, her behaviour and personality comes more from her swamp side, but overall her diet is a mix of the two.

- She is not known to do cannibalism, she will only do so if it's the last resource she has, but overall she deeply refuses it.

- She has a young brother who's also a hybrid from her father's side, she does not know about him nor if her father is still alive. She also has a young pure hybrid sister named Tanaka.

- She is a bounty hunter and works for Shivani, she collects pups for her collection and protects the sanctuary from enemies.

- She has a demonic summon, a species named dragnae, it has a skull and various spikes thru it's body that resembles her spines structures, his name is Morte. It was given to her by Shivani who contacted Reylatra and made a deal, giving Kiri her own summon.

- She can breathe underwater due to her being part swamp and so she passes most of her time hidden inside lakes/swamps/rivers.

- She likes frogs but is very afraid of the demonic kroktoads found in the swamps.

- She has the same color mutation as her mother but inherited the symbolism from her father.

- She inherited the structural spines from her father and uses them to attract prey.

- As a hybrid she is unfortunately infertile and can't have pups of her own.

- Even though she is half poison, she pair bonds for life, she has a mate named Eskha who happens to be a cosmic wolf, her bonding is the same as a swamp wolf so if Eskha happens to die she won't have attraction to no one anymore and won't bond again.