Gabriel Constanza



10 months, 17 days ago


Name: Gabriel Constanza 

Age: 36

Height: 6’2”

Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/Him)

Sexuality: Gay

Physical description

Tall and well-built with light brown skin and dark brown curly hair. His eyes are brown but when he uses magic they shine purple. He has a bird silhouette tattoo on his chest that turns into his familiar, a crow lovingly called Java. He also has a set of roses twining up his left arm, each representing a member of his family that was killed when demons devastated his village, and a set of claw mark tattoos down his back that manifest into temporary wings. He’s usually seen wearing a loose-fitting long sleeved shirt with a plunging neckline beneath and long leather overcoat (often compared to a pirate coat), leather pants and leather boots. 


Gabe’s physical weapons include a magic-infused greatsword called the Absolution and two sawed off shotguns - also magically enhanced - that he dual-wields named Minerva and Hellebore.


When Gabe was a child, his village was decimated by demons. He was the only surviving member of his family and one of a few handful of survivors from the village in total. From that point on, Gabe swore revenge on demonkind, vowing to hunt them all down. He became a kind of nomad as he grew, going from town to town to learn everything he could about demons, eventually becoming an expert on demonology. Along the way, he also became very well-versed in magic and combat, reaching peak human performance by his early twenties and maintains his strength well into his thirties. He became an acclaimed devil hunter and took many contracts to make money to survive. However, several times (too many times) he would clash with other devil hunters during contracts. Namely one Dante Sparda, who stole many of his kills which left the devil hunter penniless. As a result, the two formed a rivalry. It continued for several years until one time the two were forced to work together to take a demon down that was more powerful than was promised. At the end of the hunt, Dante offered Gabriel a job at Devil May Cry, which the hunter eventually accepted because it would mean he still got money even if Dante stole his kills. Over time, the two developed a crush on each other that neither pursued until Gabriel was gravely injured during a hunt, and Dante professed his feelings due to fear of almost losing Gabe. Gabe reciprocated and the two developed a relationship. Dante still hasn’t stopped stealing his kills but Gabe has since stopped complaining. 


Lone Wolf - Up until he works at DMC at least, but even then still thinks he does some of his best work on his own. His preference for doing things on his own also means he’s not good at asking for help or letting others know if something is wrong

Serious - Unlike a good amount of the people at DMC, Gabe takes things rather seriously, doing his job with little jibes or quips or humor. You’d think this would allow him to get along with Vergil the most but in actuality they can’t stand each other 

Dry Humor - But don’t let his stoicism fool you, Gabe has a sense of humor that surprises everyone around him because they least expect it, even Dante who can be left speechless from punchline deliveries or unexpected quips. On rare occasions the two can click with their humor and carry on a bit for hours with neither tiring and everyone in the vicinity growing increasingly annoyed  

Sentimental - Gabriel is sentimental, grows attached to things and people rather quickly even though he doesn’t show it. He’s grown quite fond of the other members of DMC (Vergil excluded) and cares deeply about all of them. His sentiment carries over to the tattoos he has of his family members and the gun - Minerva - which is named after his mother rather than the goddess (though he says it’s the goddess) 

Loyal - When push comes to shove, Gabe will always side with the people he’s close to and will do whatever it takes to keep them safe 

Theme: Feel Invincible (Skillet)