Narset / Ares's Literatures

9 months, 4 days ago

While traveling through a set of caverns, Satella and Narset encounter a working Smeargle.

Word has been going around, for a third time, that a local small village is being harassed by Team Ferine again! You'd think by now that they'd learn their lesson, however... upon further investigation, this isn't any regular posse of Pawniard. Instead of a group of small rambunctious troublemakers, these Pokémon mean serious business, as they're all trained and evolved Bisharp now! Draw/write your Pokémon fending off the Bisharp!

According to recent reports and sightings, the rate of feral Pokémon appearances has skyrocketed amidst local mystery dungeons. Pokémon are experiencing harm left and right as a result, and some are even too afraid to travel out of fear of being jumped by a feral Pokémon. As such, teams are being dispatched to try and curb the feral Pokémon population by any means necessary. Draw/write your Pokémon fighting back against feral Pokémon!