Ifegenia Mycenae



6 years, 24 days ago



GENDER: Female
RACE: Midlander Hyur
AGE: 35
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: ~210 ponze

If danger is all you live for, a weapon is your closest friend. And Ifegenia is always in search of danger.


  • Ife is missing her left eye. A scar zig-zags from her hairline to the corner of her mouth.
  • Said eye is always covered by a skull-embossed eye-patch. 
  • Her ears are stretched to allow a pair of black fangs to be worn as a kind of earring, through the lobes.
  • She has a smattering of freckles across her cheers, forehead, chin, and shoulders.
  • Ife's left arm has been severed at the shoulder. The scars from its removal are surgical, the limb having been amputated.
  • In the arm's place is often found an intricate piece of magitek. Its shape mirrors her remaining arm (to be undetectable when covered) but its surface is covered in various intricate designs, made from carvings and raised lines in the metal. The pattern depends on the day, as Ife likes to switch the outer casing regularly.


Ifegenia is, at best, a bit detached. She tries, hard and often, to engage with others - always to limited success. Lacking in charisma, and being naturally disgusted by frivolous and faked politeness, she struggles to find connections. What few friends she has, she keeps at an arms length. Some part of her life has left her feeling removed - from herself, and from others. There’s always a disconnect, and at this point, she’s given up trying to bridge it.

One thing that any who know her can agree on, is that she is a fool for women. While normally a measured speaker, she loses her air of calm and control around any lady that catches her eye. And, sadly for Ifegenia, most women do.

Apathy comes part and parcel with Ifegenia’s general detachment. Few things in life bring her joy, and the things that do can be counted on one hand; the brightness of her son’s smile, the burn of quality cigarettes and booze, the momentary rush of buying something expensive, and the blood-pumping rush of battle.

The last she delights in often - both in her work as a sell-sword, and on her own time. She’s known for challenging people to friendly and not-so-friendly bouts. But, what she craves most, is the true thrill of bloodshed - and crushing bone, blood, and flesh beneath her axe’s blade.


Born on a small farm in central Thanalan to a couple once renown for their incredible stories and dazzling plays, Ifegenia grew up with stories of grandeur, fate, and love shaping her views of the world. Even her name, according to her parents, was chosen as an homage to a favored tale of theirs.

But, her bright eyed idealism was not meant to last. In the particularly dry summer of her 16th year, her family’s farm was razed - burned to smoldering ashes, her parents caught in the blaze. It was foul play - there was no doubt in her mind - but no one would believe her. Enraged that no one could see the truth, she decided to take the investigation, and subsequent meting of justice, into her own hands.

Years it took, scraping together what information she could, tracking any suspect down until she could be sure of their innocence - or guilt. All the while, Ifegenia struggled to survive, having been left with nothing to support herself.

She had practiced with weapons in her youth - dreaming of grand adventures and grander stories - but now they were all she had. The axe treated her best, and with it she took on any and all jobs she could get her hands on. Danger meant nothing to her, she had a will to live so strong that nothing could stand in her way.

At age 23, her quest finally had an end in sight; all her work, all her gathered knowledge, pointed to one man. A man who has sponsored her parents in their plays while alive - then just as readily sponsored their deaths, as punishment for disobeying him.

Watching the life be wrung him, her hands ‘round his neck, she felt peace. For a brief moment, it all faded away. Then, that too, faded. And she was left with nothing.

The drive that had kept her alive - the spite, the will to survive, to find the revenge her heart wailed for - died with him. Ifegenia found herself without purpose, adrift in a sea of apathy. The world held no splendor, her dreams of fate and love pre-destined long dead. And with no greater goal to drive her forward, she fell into a deep depression. One she has yet to escape from.

In the years that followed, she has kept up her business of taking perilous jobs - the more dangerous the better. And for it, she makes more than one woman likely needs. After all, there are only so many willing to square up with beasts and monsters as blood thirsty as the ones Ifegenia specializes in felling.

At age 27, she put aside her work for a year to help a friend have a child. The boy, named Aulis, has no knowledge that Ifegenia is his mother. Instead, she calls herself his Aunt, visiting him and her friend to spoil them rotten with her earnings from hunts as often as she can.