Foxton S.



11 months, 8 days ago



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Foxton Scarlette




extremely white

Unlabeled Demiromantic

i forgor


music box superhero


the text here before was very cringe i dont know what to put here ummm


In his earlier teenage years, Foxton didn't really like socializing or talking to anyone. He would have rather stuck to his own accord and be alone, making him a little snappy towards anyone who tried to talk to him until he met Jayce in his Sophomore year of highschool which made him kinda figure that maybe people weren't so bad.

In the following years since he met Jayce, Foxton's personality only changed a little bit from going to being a little rude to anyone who tried to talk to him to being alright and making little conversation with people. He's still very reserved besides that, though. He has a very vivid imagination, constantly conjuring up new ideas and scenarios. He also has a keen eye for subtleties, noticing patterns and connections that others might overlook. :3



Not much is known about his past because Foxton doesn't really remember most of it. All he really knows is that he was raised by his aunt rather than his biological mother which might have altered his upbringing and basically making him grow up in a different dynamic than most children would have. The absence of his mother before she died left him with questions and him wondering about the reasons behind her absence in the first place. Nevertheless, his aunt made his childhood alright so he made it out pretty good 👍

In his middle school years, no one really ever paid attention to him (he'd honestly rather have it like that) so he kinda just stayed reserved. During these years he was exposed to the things that would later become his interests like space (literally his science class started learning about space and he was like "woah... Cool :3") and he started reading horror books and watching horror movies and shit... He finds most of them to be kind of corny but it's kind of that situation where something is so bad that it's actually kind of enjoyable. :3


In his highschool years, he ended up finding having to socialize for projects and shit really hard so he developed a dismissive attitude towards social interactions in general, deciding it was easier to distance himself from people altogether. He mainly focused on his studies/schoolwork and interests rather than talking to people or having friends. He would often spend his free time reading books, drawing, or watching movies that allowed him to feel a sense of comfort.

In his sophomore year of highschool, Foxton and Jayce happened to be paired for a science project they both dreaded. After the two had met up at Jayce's house for the project a few afternoons in a row, they both realized that they liked the same stuff, which led to them becoming best friends :3 it also led to foxton not being so reserved anymore.


  • jayce
  • horror genre
  • astronomy (NOT astrology)
  • jewelry


  • talking to people
  • bright lights
  • pvp games


  • his lore has changed so many times im sobbign
  • his tq is all lowercase with proper punctuation
  • literally the moon
  • midwest emo
  • he has autism!!!!!!!!

Design Notes

  • he has a little heart locket pendant on his necklace with a picture of him and jayce in it
  • he has a bracelet with like. blue sandstone beads on it that jayce made for him
  • belt chains on his jeans :)
  • he wears fingerless gloves most of the time
  • his hair can either be dark blue or black it doesnt really matter

JAYCE: Best friends/Crush


Meeting in their sophomore year of highschool because of a partner project, Jayce seemed to be the only person who was able to understand Foxton's feelings, creating a safe space for him to express himself properly. Also they both share the same interests like space and shitty horror movies :3

SINDY: Friends


Meeting because they were both friends with Jayce, Foxton also thinks Sindy's pretty cool. :3

ROXANE: Biological mother


Foxton doesn't know very much about her and he's not very sure he wants to ask because of the things he's heard about her, all he really knows is that she died when he was 10 or 11 and wasn't a very good person.
