Zero Asteras



11 months, 8 days ago


The fuckign,, the fuckign,, galaxy twink babey,,

He's so pretty I wanna,, smooch him,,

Technically he was finished yesterday, but I wanted to wait until fully finishing my payment for him before posting him haha. But he's here now! My ability to write is mid at best right now, but take some personality and such! I will admit ideas are unfinished and subject to change/be better, but still sound cool haha.

Zero is the youngest member of the prestigious Asteras family, which makes up the Astrologers' Council. He, alongside his other family members, possess the Cosmos's Blessing. This is essentially a power to read and control celestial bodies/space itself. It is said that celestial entities and the forces related to them are truly records of time. They hold memories of ages long past, and echo out whispers of future events to come. Each member of the family has a different affinity that they can connect with and read. Every affinity must be accounted for in order to get an accurate reading, and having even one celestial body unread will cause any information gathered to be obscured. Thus, by collectively observing their affinities together, they archive the records of humanity and read the predictions of the path the world will follow. Naturally, this kind of information is deeply important to have. Many nations look to the Astrologers as the highest form of authority due to their special insight, listening to their guidance and allowing them the power to make vital decisions. Under the council's rule, the world has blossomed into a sort of utopia. At least, that's what they'd like you to believe. While they have such grand power and trust, the Astrologers are under no strict orders to tell the entire truth. So long as their shared observations sound believable, the public will listen to their every whim. They don't have to divulge the true or full details of what they archive. They're allowed to essentially create a world in whatever image they see fit, making those beneath them follow their every whim, and justify it with their powers. They are more akin to dictators than benevolent observers, and any who try to speak differently about them are quickly silenced. 

All his life, Zero was sheltered in the Observatory (essentially their home, and where they keep their archives/make observations.) From a young age, almost all he was allowed to focus on were his family duties. He was typically kept out of the loop of full-scale archives and predictions. His job was to log the information from his affinity (the stars) and report it to his parents. As such, he was kept in the dark about the family's true intentions. He only ever had access to bits and pieces of current events, after all. He was constantly mistreated by his parents and siblings for not adhering to the family's standards. Being the youngest and the most emotional of the family made him an easy target, as he was often viewed as weaker because of it. Even slight slip-ups would earn him vastly disproportionate punishments. He was very much scared into perfection and obedience. However, deep down, he harbored a resentment for his position. While he wouldn't admit it to himself easily, he wanted a way out. Eventually, he's given the opportunity for just that. For the first time, he's able to enter the world for himself. Being down one Astrologer, however, certainly wasn't something his family would take without a fight...

As a person, Zero is quite enigmatic. Typically he shows a cool and aloof demeanor. He stays stoic, unfazed by just about everything that comes his way emotionally. He holds himself to impossibly high standards, both in appearance and performance. He's elegant, poised, and refined. Every move he makes and every word he says seems almost calculated. He's very smart, mainly from a book-smart or tactical sense, and it's something that shows quickly. He almost always seems to have a plan, even for the most menial circumstances. When he doesn't, he's quick to gather all the information he needs in order to make planning viable. Half of the time, his additions to conversation are to make some type of observation or ask questions. The other half, he'll say something sarcastic or snarky. He is a very bitchy boy, to say the least. He has very little patience for people or things he doesn't view favorably. He acts like he has an ego a lot of the time, and can come off as being very full of himself. He's no stranger to being cocky and a bit of a show-off. However, in truth, he's actually quite insecure. While he is a very quick thinker, he's also no stranger to making rash or reckless choices. This is especially the case if it means protecting those he holds dear.

This insecurity and penchant for recklessness give surprising glimpses into Zero's true nature. In truth, his bitchy exterior is somewhat of a front. Due to his family's treatment, he adopted that sort of persona to protect himself, in a way. If he could act unaffected, he believed that it may take some of the enjoyment out of mistreating him for who he was. He had to put in extra work to insure he also wouldn't disappoint in his work, but even just this change did a lot in more recent years. However, he never truly lost who he was under all that. He is actually surprisingly emotional and has quite a short temper. He tries to put his faith in logic and knowledge, but his emotions guide more of his decisions than he'd like to let on. He is also surprisingly gentle and compassionate. He likes taking care of others, and has a lot of sympathy to go around. This behavior was seen as weak by his family, and thus he's scared to show it off often. However, with those he knows he can trust, he's much better about being softer and more vulnerable. 

Zero's affinity from the Cosmos's Blessing is with the stars. As such, he is able to read and control them. His control of them mainly manifests through his ability to summon "shooting stars." They are almost crystalline in appearance, and look like strange, star-like amalgamations. They often come in yellow, white, and purple/pink, but he's able to summon them in any color really. Their main use is as projectile weapons. He's able to fire them off in various different patterns depending on his needs. He can shoot off multiple in arcs or waves, fire them off from the sky like meteors or rain, and more. These stars can stay solid the entire time they're manifested, or they can be set to explode after a certain amount of time. They don't necessarily hurt to the touch, but rather by the force they're shot at. He's no stranger to summoning a star just so he has something to keep his hands busy with for a while. They're also great at lighting up dark areas. His powers are somewhat tied to his emotions. If he gets particularly emotional, they can flare up and go haywire. For instance, if he yelled out of frustration, he'd likely let off a shower of stars at the same time.

And a few trivia bits wheeze,,

  • He is pretty short, standing at only 5'5" without his heels. With them he's able to stand at closer to 5'8" or 5'9". 
  • He has a very lean and slender build. He doesn't really have any muscle to speak of. Truly a twink through and through.
  • He has a huge penchant for reading! When he was in the observatory, he liked to pick up the old records from decades or centuries ago and read through them. He knew he'd get punished for reading the newer ones, so this was his compromise. 
  • He has a huge sweet tooth, though he's shy to admit it. His favorite sweet out there is konpeito!
  • He's both touch starved and touch averse. He really likes physical contact, especially of the sweet variety, but also shies away from it from people he doesn't know out of instinct. His family were no strangers to getting physically rough with him, hence his hesitation.
  • More later my brain can't compute aughhh