|[ Nebula ]|



6 years, 4 months ago



The Galaxias Kyklos

  •  Name   Nebula 
  •  Age   Unknown 
  •  Gender   Non-binary [They/Them] 
  •  Creator   GrimmRaven 

  • Galaxias Kyklos

    {Latin for Milky Galaxy aka Milky Way}

    There are thousands of other planets out there.
    We have eight planets in our Solar System. However, outside of our Solar System there are thousands of other planets. The extra-solar planets or exo-planets are in orbit around another star. So far we have almost 1800 confirmed new worlds, with another 3000 awaiting confirmation. Astronomers are looking to a star’s goldilocks zone for planets that may be habitable, just like the Earth. The majority of planets discovered so far are hot gas giant planets.

    Extreme weather warning!

    Some times on the Earth, the weather can be a bit rubbish! However our weather is awesome compared to some of the other planets. Jupiter has fast winds and the Great Red spot, a massive hurricane style storm, has raged there  for the last 300 years. Mercury and Mars have extreme temperature changes in the same day. Venus is a scorching five times hotter than boiling water. Saturn and Uranus also have extremely fast winds. However Neptune has the fastest ever wind speeds reaching a staggering 1600mph!

    Can be used as a species or a character, it's up to the owner.

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