Rob Robelsa/Titanium Terror



1 year, 12 days ago


Species: Orc

Age: 22

Height: 6'5"

Gender: Nonbinary

Sexuality: Aro/ace

Occupation: Vigilante/Engineer/Mechanic

Voice Ref: Chris Sabat - Piccolo (Dragon Ball Z)

Robert Robelsa was a child prodigy, gifted with a natural talent and fondess for machines and their inner workings, often valuing the company of technology more than other people. Their parents noticed this talent present within them from a very young age, and wanted nothing more than to allow this love to flourish and for their child to do great things one day. The only problem: money. 

The Robelsa family had often struggled with money troubles, but if they wanted Rob to have any kind of successful future, they knew something had to be done about it. After countless failed jobs, failed opportunities, and sacrifices, Rob's father grew despreate, and made the worst mistake of his life. 

Rob's father went to the infamous Alchenine Crime Family, looking to do a few jobs for them, get enough money to get Rob into the best schools, and get out. 

But as time went on, this plan was proving more and more difficult, Rob's father was making good money, but it was at the cost of doing things he was not proud of. The guilt of this acts began to eat away at him, leading to himmgetting sloppy, and making mistakes. Eventually, after an arms deal he was meant to guard was taken down by The Dawn; his bosses deemed this as Rob's fathers final failure, and ordered him to be killed. An act Rob themself secretly bore witness to. 

Years passed after their father's death, but the memory of the event never died, and neither did the burning rage in their heart. Rob worked twice as hard to hone their skills and improve their craft. Not to get into some fancy school or anything like that, but to bring down the mob that killed their Dad personally. After getting a temp job at a scrap yard, they used whatever scrap and spare parts they could find to construct equipment for this exact purpose. 

Soon enough, Rob had constructed the instruments of their vengeance; a suit of armor fuled by fire and light magic, complete with a portal, extremely durable sheild, and a mace capable of blasting out long range projectiles, as well as being a force to be reckoned with up close. It was with these tool that Rob would finally make their presence known to the criminal underworld, as none other than; 

The Titanium Terror.

But Rob would soon find that there were more joining the vigilante game than they thought. Now on top of the Dawn and Polarity, they also had this green knight and orange mage to deal with. And only time would tell if these follow vigilantes would help in Rob's crusade, or just be another distraction in their way.