Aban Adaar



6 years, 1 month ago


Warning –– Dragon Age: Inquisition Spoilers

Appearance Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc-D0ZPxJWQ


Name: Aban Adaar

Pronunciation: abb-an add-arr

Titles: Inquisitor, Herald of Andraste, Lord Adaar

Nickname(s): Abb, Boss (from Iron Bull), Teddy (from Varric)

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 30

Race: Qunari

Nationality: Free Marcher

Voice: American


Birthday: Cassus 18th, 9:11 Dragon

Birth Place: Ansburg, Free Marches


Height: 7' (213 cm)

Weight: 210 lb (95 kg)

Body Type: Muscular/Triangle

Skin Color: Tan

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: pulled back into a bun, shoulder-length when down

Eye Color: Steel Gray/Blue

Eye Type: Almond

Eyebrow Color: Black

Eyebrow Type: thick, hard angled

Eyelash Color: Black

Eyelash Length: Short

Nose Shape: Nubian

Face Shape: Oblong

Chin Size: Large

Facial Hair: Stubble

Ears: pointed, medium size

Horns: sloped up, long, top halves covered in silver metal

Facial Scars: small curved scar vertically under right eye, small slightly curved scar on left side of jaw

Tattoos: None

Other: None

Wardrobe and Image

Favorite Skyhold Outfit: Venture Forth

Favorite Armor: Antaam-Saar (blue, brown, gray), Rashvine Vitaar (white)

Makeup: None

Natural Scent: either fresh bread or smoke

Voice: American Male

Main Color Scheme: blue, brown, gray, white, black


MBTI Personality Type: ENFP 

General Description of Personality: optimistic, freedom-loving, jovial, good-humored, honest, straightforward, can be a bit careless, usually tactless, curious, observant, enthusiastic, friendly, emotional, independent, warm-hearted, sometimes overthinks things, finds it difficult to focus on things for too long, poor practical skills, excellent communicator, knows how to relax


Family: Tal-Vashoth Parents

Notable Family Members: None

Usual Party: Cassandra, Vivienne, Varric

Close Friend(s): Vivienne, Varric, Iron Bull, Josephine

Friend(s): Dorian, Sera, Cole, Cullen, Leliana

Disliked Follower(s): None

Pet(s): None

Alliances: Templars, Red Jenny, Vivienne's Mages, Grey Wardens

Agent(s): Horsemaster Dennet, Belle, Ser Barris, Gaspard's Ex-Mercenary, Florianne De Chalons, Dagna

Reputation: strong fighter, funny, Tal-Vashoth, courts a member of the Pentaghast family, outsmarted Florianne De Chalons

Sociability: he isn't the most social person ever, but he's good at getting people to laugh and relax and usually draws attention to himself whether he wants to or not

Social Class before Inquisition: Middle Class

Language(s): King's Tongue, Qunlat

Romance & Orientation

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Romantic Orientation: Biromantic

Gender Orientation: Cisgender

Significant Other(s): Cassandra Pentaghast


Diseases: None

Physical Disorders: None

Mental Disorders: None

Physical Disabilities: None

Developmental Disabilities: None

Learning Disabilities: None


Religion: Agnostic 

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Virtues: Charity, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Humility

Vices: Gluttony, Sloth


Hobbies: cooking, blacksmithing, designing armor and weapons

Mannerisms: rolls shoulders/rubs neck when in awkward situations, leans forward when he sits, adjusting or retying hair, curls up when he sleeps, tries to not take up a lot of space

Humor: teasing, comebacks, running gags

Habits: cracks joints, hums, talks to self when alone, taps lips, rubs chin and jaw

Phobias: None

Greatest Fear: to be unwanted

Self-Confidence: Good

Self-Control: Fine

Self-Esteem: Good


Class: Warrior

Weapon(s): Jagged Battleaxe

Strengths: has a lot of stamina, can take hard hits, very good at using two-handed weapons, okay at using one-handed weapons and shields

Weaknesses: far-distance aim, slow as far as running with a weapon goes, has no magical ability, conspicuous 

Story Information

Archetype: Jester

Enneagram: The Helper

Name Inspiration: "sea" in Qunlat, because of his eye color

Theme Song: "I'll Be Good" by Jaymes Young

Backstory: Aban grew up in the backwater town of Ansburg, in the Free Marches. His parents were Tal-Vashoth, and lived off of the money his father made being a mercenary, but when he was only a few years old, his father was killed in combat. Aban was raised by his mother, who was very kind and taught him many life lessons about how to be a good person, how to take care of himself, and to never let anger control him. He found that he especially loved cooking with her and he became fairly good at it. Unfortunately, in his early teen years, his mother passed away from an incurable sickness and he was sent to an orphanage. He was often bullied or isolated because he was the only Qunari child there, but he was never mean or angry in response. He just didn't understand.

The day he became old enough, he left the orphanage behind and traveled to Kirkwall with what little money he had, because he wanted to leave his past behind and look for opportunities elsewhere. He was lucky enough to be able to take up a job from a local blacksmith. He was able to get a feel for smithing and the woman became a mentor of some sort to him, and it rekindled some of the hope he'd lost in ever being accepted. But it wasn't meant to last forever. Almost a decade later, the blacksmith passed from old age. Her business was given to distant family members, who ended up selling it to someone else. Aban was let go. 

Inadvertently, Aban followed in his father's footsteps when he joined the Valo-Kas mercenary company, as it was the only job that would take him, not to mention they were looking for Qunari especially because of their "vicious nature.” Though he was hired mostly because of his stature and strength, his charisma and persistence proved him to be a good soldier.

A few years after Aban joined the company, and after a year of fighting between the mages and templars, the Divine set up a conclave to be held at the Temple of Sacred Ashes. Aban's band was one of the many hired to keep peace and provide security... but it didn't end well.


Throne: Par Vollen

Bed: Orlais III

Banner: Inquisition

Drapery: Par Vollen

Heraldry: Qunari

Decor: Par Vollen

Windows: Qunari

Major Upgrades: None 


Dragon Age Animal: High Dragon

Mount: Inquisition Barded Charger

Area: The Western Approach

Color: Red

Season: Summer

Weather: Stormy

Time of Day: Night

Food: Chocolate

Drink: Whiskey

Tavern Song: "Maker"