Trade Only - Rumpelstiltsken



9 years, 7 months ago


Name: Rumpelstiltsken
Height: 5'8 (172.7 cm)
Appearance: Skinny
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Personality: Friendly/Curious/Inquisitive/Bright/Chirpy/Helpful/
Species: Demon
Affiliation: N/A
Occupation: Adventurer (Vagrant)
Combat Roles: Decoy/Hidden/Trickster
Affinities: N/A
Power Level: B

Intro: Rumpelstiltsken is friendly, but also a brat, and he is proud of it. He likes to bring smiles to people's faces, to play with them, but he also likes to cause expressions of anger to form and for people to swear at him while he runs off into the distance, the slippery punk that he is, likely with loot in his arms. 

Hobbies: Peoplewatching/Pickpocketing/Tripping/Pranking/Sleeping/Gaming (video games)/Hoarding trinkets and shinies/Eating/Singing

-Belly rubs and head pets...
-Trilling, singing, humming, etc...
-Likes to play with young kids, mock teenagers, and harass adults
-Sweets a LOT
-Likes junk food too though, and energy drinks...
-Watching people get surprised at him somehow flying
-Bats and cats and snakes
-Walking with a bounce in his step
-Crowded, loud places

-Old people, uptight, or unsightly people
-Being ignored
-Places with no people or anything to do!!!
-Coffee and tea
-People wearing/that are warm colors, almost considers it an affront...
-Too many layers/too many clothes/too much skin covered, etc

-Somehow able to fly even with those highly diminutive wings...
-Has good night vision, with eyes flashing like a cat's in light.
-Switches from being friendly to mocking easily
-Ran away from his family at a young age. No one is surprised.
-Just as likely to sleep in a house "properly" as he is to sleep outside in the tree or grass.
-Surprisingly tidy and cleanly though. is also an organized chaos too
-Constantly seen with a grin or smirk and twinkling eyes
-Has an unorthodox education due to running away and not going to school properly. Will learn easily and expertly about everything on a topic that interests him, while subjects that cause boredom makes him very sleepy.
-Good with the violin, picked it up for street performances
-Makes a most piteous face if made to wear "too many clothes."
-Often gets called Sken, because wow his name

Abilities & Powers:
Escape Artist - Physical traps fall apart quickly for seemingly no reason, while magical ones deteriorate. Mental traps have no effect on him; intrusion into his mind will have the seeker finding a wide range of extremely annoying and loud thoughts. Also able to sense traps targeted for him and avoid them, as well as being able to sense general danger.

Mimicry - Able to mimic sounds and voices perfectly upon hearing them.  

Poof - Teleports with a slightly audible "poof" sound, range of 20m.

Scapegoat - Can direct attention and things attached to him to someone else and make them seem the true target. For instance, if being chased for pickpocketing, can transfer "culprit" to another person nearby. He needs to be within sight however, and this is less effective with wounds, transferring only partially depending on severity.

Vamping - Vamps off of annoyance and fun (fun from silly things).

Flight and Enhanced Hearing

-Extremely flexible, to the point of seeming unnervingly rubbery at times
-Great with violin
-Great with people skills, both positive and negative
-Decent hand-to-hand combatant
-Knows how to make simple explosives and potions and solutions


Thank you for this lovely gift, Faluu. qq