Nex Thana



5 years, 11 months ago


Sailor Betelgeuse
Nex Thana
Sailor Guardian/Human
Athletic, arms are toned from carrying her staff around.
She's really into darker colors. Her overall aesthetic are toxic themes
Sailor Moon
She lives in her own apartment
By day, she works as the receptionist at a funeral home. By night, she's Sailor Betelgeuse.
She doesn't like to label such things, sexuality is fluid.

Initially, Nex comes off as cold and cynical. She isn't really there to be your friend. She's there to fulfill her role as the Guardian of the Dead, to help spirits pass on. A beacon to lead them to the afterlife. Her idea of friendship is a bit skewed, as she's never really had friends before. She's used to being a bit of a loner. Her sense of humor is rather dry, sometimes boardering on mean.

Quick-witted and ready with some sarcastic remark, it'll be hard to decipher if she's just kidding or if she's serious. For the most part, Nex comes off as bored. However, once you break past that shell, you'll find she's extremely loyal. She'll fight for you, die for you, and kill for you. She's protective of her friends, as they're few and far between. So she cherishes them whenever they prove they'll stick around.

  • Sour candies
  • Books and manga
  • Binges anime (her husbando is Shūhei Hisagi from Bleach)
  • Big fan of German Metal bands
  • Alone time
  • Cleaning
  • Eating food
  • Chocolate
  • Crowds
  • People who hug her before she opens up to them
  • Pollen
  • Internet crashing
  • Spoilers.
  • Stupid people asking stupid questions.
  • She draws, she doesn't think she's any good (is secretly amazing)
  • A genius in the kitchen
  • Can read a novel in a day and retain everything
  • Has studied Bōjutsu ever since childhood
  • Reads books on mortuary for fun
  • Can talk to ghosts/spirits/the dead
  • Played the piano when she was younger, can still kinda play
  • Raises her left eyebrow when she's intrigued
  • Lies about herself to seem less interesting
  • Mastered dodging questions about herself
  • Eats food as soon as it comes out the oven, because she's impatient
Pet Peeves
  • Huggers, you can't just hug someone you just met!
  • When people yell and you are literally right there.
  • People and Spirits invading her personal space
  • Cuddling when it is bedtime. There's cuddle time and then there's sleeping time.
  • Ending up alone
  • Having to escort her friends and family to the afterlife, and not being able to follow
  • Not being accepted when she finally opens up to a person
  • Never finding love.

Nex has always been a bit of a loner. A bit of a black sheep in her own family, she was never really close with anyone. While most of her cousins were out, making memories and having fun, Nex was holed up in her room. She was always busy talking to her imaginary friends. Her parents worried, because their daughter spent more time alone than

Vivamus facilisis felis ac mauris porttitor maximus eu quis orci. Sed felis velit, gravida at tortor eget, scelerisque tristique purus. Sed pellentesque viverra nunc, a pellentesque velit ultricies a. Duis iaculis massa nec elit aliquam aliquam. Nunc magna mi, malesuada in nulla ac, luctus lobortis leo. Sed sed diam eu nisi suscipit cursus. Etiam tempor diam vel mauris efficitur, ut malesuada dui eleifend. Proin fermentum, lorem non facilisis auctor, velit ipsum pellentesque nibh, eu interdum tortor risus lacinia magna. Nunc feugiat erat ut enim dictum, id efficitur magna interdum. Suspendisse ultricies est sit amet arcu congue, in tempus lectus commodo. Praesent id cursus felis, sed feugiat lectus.


Shūhei Hisagi Nex is in love with Shūhei, he's her husbando. Too bad he's just an anime character.

Haruka Tenou In reality, she has a huge crush on Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tenou. She'd do anything for Haruka.

Michiru Kaiou She should also mention that she has an equally huge crush on Michiru/Sailor Neptune. She regrets nothing.

Usagi Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon might be Nex's first friend. Ever. She's ever loyal to Usagi and will protect the girl with her life.

"I really just don't care, please leave me alone."
  • ● She was born with black sclera in her eyes.
  • ● She's always been able to see the dead, though she didn't realize it when she was younger. She assumed they were just imaginary friends. It's possible she cares more for the dead than the living.
  • ● She got her job at the funeral home because it made the most sense to her. The mortician has been trying really hard to get her to become a mortician. But there's just something about the dead watching you prepare their bodies for burial.
  • ● Watches a lot of anime and reads a lot of manga.
  • ● Japanese is her first language, German is her second. She knows a little English and is learning Spanish.
  • ● Has always watched over the Sailor Guardians from afar.

profile html by Hukiolukio