Jiro Baihu (WIP)



11 months, 17 days ago


Jiro is a taum cursed with a beast form (a strain of taum lycanthropy called "white tiger") from birth. Due to it, his parents have basically kept him locked up inside, scared that his secret would be revealed to the world, which wouldn't look good for their family name. Eventually Jiro's parents got Seok, a taum more used for mercenary and bodyguard work than babysitting, to basically live with him and care for him, due to some... unfortunate accidents happening to the former (more usual) babysitters.

As Jiro grew, he became obsessed with learning magic in hope to one day get rid of his curse. After much convincing, a few fake papers and a new identity, Jiro got to attend a magic academy, Seok coming with him as a safety measure and as part of the conditions for him to leave the mansion. Due to the years of isolation though, Jiro has somewhat severe social anxiety, and ends up not performing well at school. This leads him to getting assigned Skix, a classmate who is top of the class, to become his tutor. Over time, the both of them grew very close.

The lycanthropy strain Jiro is afflicted by is the same as Tulpa's, but unlike him, her "base" form, or rest form, is her beast form.