Kairo's Comments

AHH another cat shark!! I think i am to assume these are a species, that so awesome!! how interesting, plus I really enjoy how you fleshed out the characteristics of the species as well to really fit into evolutionary standards. For examples, the larger ears to be more likely to hear predators coming! I wonder if that means larger cat fish has smaller ears, etc?? oh and Kairo as a standalone is just super cool, I feel like he stands out the most to me!

They are a species(open to al because I am not original and I'm sure many people thought to fuse cats and sharks). I'm glad you like them, I work hard to make each one unique! Especially with the newer designs I've been trying to figure out how to make colourful sentient animal fusions as 'realistic' as possible. (Maybe not realistic but perhaps maybe consistent or making sense to the overall catshark lore(?)) It also helps when I base them from reals cats and sharks so I can learn more about animal traits and behaviours :)

I am glad you like his design! All the spots on the ref sheet killed me the first time but I feel like it really works for the serval leopard shark combo 

Thank you!

i absolutely am loving the designs of all of the cat sharks but Kairo and Bastet reallly stood out to me design wisee

i also adore how much personality can be seen within their arttt 

never knew i needed a cat-shark but now i NEED ONE /p

I'm glad you like my sandy/desert catsharks!  

HSIUH I"m glad you feel that way, ty <3 

This design is so adorable I want one now haha, the info and details put into the breed are awesome!

YESSS tysm <33

There's a certain itch in my brain that likes to "make them as realistic as possible for colourful hybrid cats". It's fun to learn about animals and make new breeds :)