新月 (Xīn Yuè)


Basic Info


Xīn Yuè


thousands upon thousands


Male (He/Him)


Sly, fickle, cruelly indifferent. Xīn Yuè can easily be described as "two-faced." He appears gentle, warm and incredibly friendly, and in fact, he displays his mannerisms as so. However, Amaranth and Rosario know better. Xīn Yuè is in fact, quite cruel and rather merciless. He does not really care for humans and the like, and simply finds them as a source of entertainment. Something akin to watching a drama, really. He will not bother to lift a finger to anyone who calls out to him, though he will meddle in manners if he thinks it'll bring him some form of entertainment. Amaranth finds him rather distasteful at times, though he finds it amusing that she does so, saying that she has "changed" since her marriage. However, in recent years, his cruel nature seems to be shifting, and he finds himself wanting to "behave better" to impress a certain person...


Eastern Dragon (Elder)


The youngest of the 7 great elder dragons, but the most powerful of them all. For a long time, he had travelled far, far away. Residing in a continent far across the planet they resided on. For a long time, many of the lesser dragons had assumed the strong elder dragon of legends had fallen to humans, as he has only been spoken about, but never seen. In actuality, he had found that he rather enjoyed the continent he found and was currently residing in. He created a human form for himself and blended in. Causing mischief on his left, and watching the humans dispute on his right, he seemed perfectly pleased with himself and hadn't bothered to come back nor send word. Though, this is really only because the mother of dragons as well as the 6 other elder dragons had always known he was very much alive and well. The elders and the mother of dragons have a very special link between them all in which they could sense each other's flame of life, and his, as always, burned fiercely.

Life continued, and would have remained the same—until he heard his "mother" call for him, ordering him to come back. He had an immediate shock, as he had known his mother to be "sealed" by humans. And although the seal on her could have easily been broken, it appeared that this mother of his was still grieving and she herself did not wish to come out, so no attempt to break the seal had been made. And what he had come back to was was yet another massive shock to his being. Five of his six elder siblings had fallen into a deep slumber. Their bodies formed a large, mountainous ring that surrounded a massive region. Before he could so much as open his mouth and ask the mother of dragons what was going on, she had pushed out a young woman from beneath her wing. A human. A woman marred with scars and a slight frown upon her face. The mother of dragons had told Xīn Yuè that he was to guard her and protect her fiercely from danger. He, of course, obliged, although not without complaint. The woman smelled of human blood and seemed quite weak. He was baffled that his mother, who had apparent hatred towards humans was suddenly quite protective of this young human, she seemed to even regard her as her own. However, his confusion and disgust washed away instantly the moment he had seen the young woman transform into a dragon herself.

Despite not having the blood nor smell of a dragon, she had become one. Not only that, but her dragon form looked almost exactly like the mother of dragons, albeit she was incredibly small in comparison and her dragon form, unlike his mother's, was quite tattered and also marred with scars. However, this proved that the young woman had formed a soul bond with the mother of dragons somehow and was her direct descendant, despite never having even been born as such. Though he was thoroughly confused by it all, he no longer asked questions and immediately took to the task. Since then, he had been by Amaranth's and later, Rosario's side. 

He had been itching to return to his former home, having missed it, but was bound by his duty to protect the princess. Though he actually found he genuinely enjoyed the company of Amaranth and Rosario, he still felt a bit disgruntled about being unable to return. In order to vent his frustrations, Xīn Yuè had taken it upon himself to fight off those who sought out to invade the kingdom of Briarheart despite not really needing to, as the mountain's natural labyrinth would have kept all out anyways. However, this never stopped him, and he continued to seek trouble. Until, one day, an odd, mysterious wanderer had found his way into the kingdom. The labyrinth seemed to not affect him, and, for the first time, Xīn Yuè had even lost a battle against this mysterious stranger. In this way, he felt himself incredibly curious about this odd man, and from that day on, his attention to him could no longer be pulled away.


  • The marking on his forehead turns into a third eye. However, this only happens when he is using the full force of his powers or if he simply wills it. Though either seldom ever happens.
  • His dragon form is a massive eastern dragon, his color is so dark, it is often mistaken for black, though it is just truly a very deep and dark green that is very near black. His scales are prismatic if reflected under the sun. Underneath his scales is a golden color, though it may seem like the gold ridges around the scaling, as often times, it peeks out.
  • Despite his human form being his second/false form, he takes meticulous care of his hair and grooms himself well. This habit also carries over in his normal/original form as a dragon. He hates when others touch his hair, only really allowing those he's actually fond of to mess with it, really.
  • He is one of Altayr's disciples, though really this is likely just an excuse to get closer to the man, really.
  • He has a great fondness for tea, and has kept the same teapot and cup for many, many years. He claims that a master pot maker had crafted it specifically for him, and often uses it.
  • He doesn't particularly like humans, but he also doesn't quite hate them either. He does, however, see them as lesser beings.
  • He has been in his human form for so long, that it feels a bit more natural to him at times. Though he very much loves his normal/original form, it is quite massive and inconvenient in the current era. Though he can shrink his size, he finds that it's just much easier to be in human form, as most things are catered towards humans, anyways.
  • A bit of a glutton when it comes to food. Can and will eat anything. It's also the reason why he didn't completely hate humans initially. He thinks that human cooking is brilliant, really.
  • The best way to get him to be pleased with you is to offer him a meal. He's not much of a picky eater, so if your cooking is at least decent, then he will not complain.