


11 months, 7 days ago



they/them | ? yrs

Perhaps once a revered being, a drake of seraphic nature, Lethe has become a shell of their former self after losing half of their soul. Patches of flowers and petals have sprouted from their body in an attempt to stitch together their unstable form. With no memory of their former self, Lethe laments the hole in their heart, wandering without a purpose, nor any idea of how to find one.

melancholic aloof temperamental

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus leo neque, volutpat a nibh ut, tempor dictum magna. Vivamus tristique lorem ut justo tempus, non eleifend tellus dictum. Nullam lobortis nulla mauris, eget vestibulum quam porttitor ac. Donec tristique, massa at faucibus ullamcorper, felis nunc pharetra neque, viverra iaculis est dui id orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Integer vehicula, erat in tempor ullamcorper, dolor ipsum pretium enim, et vulputate leo lectus vitae ante. Mauris porta laoreet ante, id dapibus ipsum laoreet id. Sed porttitor velit sit amet facilisis porta. Aenean ligula sem, facilisis at nisi vel, dictum porttitor quam. Phasellus quis iaculis arcu. Mauris finibus dictum varius. Vivamus suscipit sapien leo, sit amet convallis mauris auctor a. Ut pretium bibendum dignissim. Donec consequat metus nunc, vel consequat leo rhoncus eget. Mauris varius justo tellus, vel dapibus eros pharetra ut. Sed hendrerit nisi lectus, nec dapibus nisi varius et.

Design Notes
  • Please don't forget the strand of hair in the front of their face/left eye!
  • Regarding the flowers, their placements do not have to be exact; petals can be added or removed. They may be a single color or a gradient. Refer to the full gallery image for color swatches.
    The flowers are intended to be hydrangeas, but can be interpreted as forget-me-nots or as indescript/generic flowers.
  • Their right eye (generally our/viewers' left) is replaced with a patch of flowers.
  • The size of their wings can be exaggerated or made smaller to accommodate art styles.