Dallas Warren πŸ’›



11 months, 28 days ago


The present is paradise!
name Dallas Warren
age 43
gender Male
pronouns he/him
ethnicity Filipino-American
orientation Bisexual
Height 6’2

code jiko


Always smiling, always pleasant and very forgettable. Dallas Warren is the type of person to be perceived at surface value, he sports a tidy, clean and likable appearance with a penchant for being as friendly and amiable as he can to anyone. His average, nearly boring persona is fitted with a consistent outward well-mannered happiness, and he’s the model example of a working white-collar American. Married, well off, well dressed, uniform and routinely behaved. Its almost as if he had fit himself in one persona; one characterized state of simplicity, and sometimes such a plastic existence cracks. He functions in an internalized state of paranoia and stress, worried by everything and severe in his assessments. He is a pessimistic extrovert. He has successfully blocked off the things he saw, forgotten the brash, angry 18 year old he once was. The first 18 years of his life are successfully repressed. Nobody remembers him that way anymore. He lives in twentieth century America with a decent salary, a wife who cheats on him regularly, and a house that properly represents their conformist way of living. The two embed themselves in consumer culture and outward pleasantness. But Dallas is sure that a certain person he left in his past is still alive and out to get him. This person lives in Dallas’s hallucinations, and the unstability of his fear of Chauncey Hollis makes for a perfect object of blackmail for his wife Connie, should he find out about her infidelity. Most of his wardrobe is yellow, much of his mannerisms are copied off of moviestar actors and even his phrases are plagiarized from what he hears other people say. His persona is safety, his new self is comfortable. He cannot afford to associate with the unspeakable past and his unspeakable choices. He’d rather not remember it.

flowers, NASA, abstract art, napping, yellow, house-cleaning, people, martinis, picnics, lemonade, intimacy, tennis, sundays, parties, patterned clothing, drive-in theatres, breakfast in bed, routine, his wife, the solar system.
Shouting, mosquitos, the heat, hand grenades, crying babies, nostalgia, dissociating, displeasing his wife, wearing tight suits, saltwater, vertigo, reading, pollock paintings, overpriced items, riots, sunburns.

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligent Stupid
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Dallas was orphaned from near birth, and placed into fostercare after spending his childhood being a handful of disruption and rebellion in the orphanage. But the system of fostering was good to him, and early on he found his way into the lavish, rich home of his soon to be adoptive 'uncle' and 'aunt.' The two were older adults, Mr. Maynard found himself often alone and bored in spite of the many parties he entertained when his distant wife was away. So he adopted Dallas, whose troubling, obnoxious and reckless behavior found itself to be a surprisingly welcome contrast to the organized wealth of Dallas's childhood home. Thus, his youth was molded by privilege, and tolerance, even if he never developed a sense of closeness or deep affection to his adoptive parents. His grace through life would be halted by his intermission into a widescale foreign conflict, a war that still saw him spared in his role as a simple messanger. A radio-boy. Dallas's irritating, moody behavior that had been stalled for so long in his prim homelife didn't have any bounds now. He hated that he'd been shipped off, and for "disciplinary messures" at that. He lacked a complete sense of companionship to anyone or any cause. Until, in the summer of 1967, he met an enlisted soldier named Chauncy Hollis. And there would develop something characterized by a violent intimate fear.

Hollis took to the boy that had seemed to isolate himself from everyone, who's brash nature had thwarted off the older draftees and made him percived only as some rich brat. The two grew close, deeply close, as the collected and soft nature of Hollis became a crutch for Dallas's constant anger which stemmed from nowhere and embedded itself in everything. They spent as many days as they could in the sun, talking, falling into sync and comfort. But Hollis grew protective- always there, always watching, with uncanny kindness that lacked a sense of warmth. Dallas didn't realize that he was only a replacement of someone long dead in Hollis's life. It took one bad day that would alter them, and reveal that Dallas's identity was not his own in his friend's eyes. To him, Dallas was a reincarnation of a memory: nothing but a chance for self redemption to Chauncy. One bad episode occured, a grenade was set off and the blood was on Dallas's hands. Chauncy took to immoral means to cover it up, and it spiraled into a confrontation that would in turn spiral into a physical quarrel of near attempted murder.

The episode is lost to Dallas's memory now, dischargment occured after that and the remanent memory of his friend-turned pyschotic stirred only in his dreams. Dallas Warren found his brashness and temper to be the root of all of his self-resentment, and he buried himself in deep pyschological repressment of the first 18 years of his life. He killed contact with anyone he knew, he isolated himself until he buried the hatchet of what he saw, what he knew Chauncy had been capable of. And he remade himself. Dallas became a successful businessman, a simpleton, dimwitted adult who fixed himself up with polite hospitality and a winning charm. The present Dallas scored a wife by the name of Connie, but this newfound fragility of their marriage and his comfortable persona would be bent out of shape by an uncharged paranoia and the return of Hollis. Blocking out the past meant blocking out any and all knowledge of what happened to his attempted murderer, after all.

Design Notes
  • The patterns on his robe can be of any kind or of any image
  • associated with yellows, browns and light blue
  • very tan skin
  • hair is dark brown, almost black
  • he has smile lines around his eyes and mouth (opt)
  • Object Symbolism: planets (specifically Saturn), mourning doves, sail boats, newspaper
  • 1950 - 2005
  • birthday is August 5th
  • His dream was always to be an astronaut and the one thing he's smart at is amateur astronomy
  • He smells like sunscreen and laundry detergent

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