anyone from here or AtzuAdopts ?

could possibly do money if not

I don’t see anything I’d use. But money would be fine. ^^

such a cute oc, I wish I could buy!! :(

Since this adopt is from series one they are open to art offers, if that’s something that you’d be interested in offering feel free to let me know!

I would love to, but I’m currently not in a position where I’d be able to offer art! I have a big queue already shjgjfj, is it all possible you’d consider a trade?

Unfortunately I don’t see any characters I’d use, I’m sorry. 

did you look only in the trade/sale folder? I offer outside of that by a lot normally, I can link you to a place to look! sorry I didnt send it, I wanted to see if youd take trades or not first

I did look at the whole page, I didn't really see anything. Sorry ^^'