LF: Ocs O: Art's Comments

https://toyhou.se/18010581.trade would this guy interest you?

I am very interested in this guy!!! Please lmk what kind of art/how much you're looking for him :)

how much would you be willing to do?

I could do a few full bodies or scenes? I don't mind doing headshots/busts if you prefer that instead!

oo do you have a discord? it would be easier to discuss there:3 I'm in love with your work :0 i have some other ocs i could offer for art too

I do indeed! My user is tictoxy :>

2 Replies

Hi there, is this still open? I have some OCs if you're interested 😊

Easiest, free: https://toyhou.se/Alberts_Storage/characters/tags:1/tagged:free

Easy, would like art for them: https://toyhou.se/Alberts_Storage/characters/tags:1/tagged:art

For those going for art: these are the characters available for drawing, and the ones with emojis in their name are the ones I most want the art for: https://toyhou.se/Alberts_Storage/characters/tags:1/tagged:draw

Thank you for looking and considering regardless! 💖

It's always open!! I'll take a look when I'm able, helping rebuild something so my hands are a bit full x)

Awesome! And no worries, that's understood, you can get back to me any time you're able to ^^ <3

Just to be clear, the second link is also available ocs?? 

I'm really interested in these lads!! 






Additionally, I was really interested in these guys, but I wasn't sure about if they were available :)





Sorry if they aren't!! 

So for the first batch of links, those ones are all free to take, though for Reggy and TBN, someone has already claimed those before you (I'm just waiting on their approval for a trade so I can put them in pending)!

But for the second patch, those are mainly going for art offers, and I wouldn't mind letting J+T and Pandora go to you for your traditional art alone depending on the amount!

Though... could I ask if you'd be able to draw https://toyhou.se/9703928.1-johari/gallery#69960077 ? And how are you at drawing certain types of scars, specifically fire/explosion-based? Because I'd love to give you all 4 of the art trade ones if you could draw a few things for Jojo 👀

I hadn't realized about Reggy and TBN, so thank you for informing me! I'd love the few I listed, if they're still available then?

As for the second batch, I'd love do some full bodies and additional headshots/busts for them? I can specify an amount, but let me know if this is an alright offer?

I'd definitely be able to draw them!! As for scars, I've done quite a few art pieces with different types of scarring but I'm not sure about explosion/fire based? I can definitely give it an attempt, but I won't lie and say it'll be a masterpiece!

12 Replies