


10 months, 25 days ago



Casey | 23 y/o Aus. Shepherd mix | she/her

Personality and history:

Impulsive  and playful, with a constant "head in the clouds". Massive compulsive  liar. Chronic pain haver, specifically fibromyalgia. Very sweet on the  surface, but acts erratically and unpredictably; doubly so whenever  dealing with flare-ups. Ignores her own feelings and projects them  outwards. Casey was isolated from the friends she used to have during  her younger years due to the onset of her chronic pain. She was  introduced to MySpace by one of her old friends as a means of keeping in  touch, and this spiraled into a complete MySpace obsession.

Casey was homeschooled for all of elementary school and most of  middle school, and can come off as pretty "weird" in social settings.  Her family has typically been fairly well off, but has been less and  less financially stable over the years - which resulted in Casey  attending a public school for high school. Her later high school years  were consumed by constant tests: excluding X diagnosis or Y disorder or Z  syndrome, physical therapy, outpatient programs, etc.

On MySpace, Casey’s handle is xXBiohazard.BratXx.  Casey is the equivalent of an early internet camgirl scammer/catfisher,  using her shitty Motorola Razr V3 camera for her pics. Plastering her  page with what is basically softcore porn, she convinces desperate men  that they can have her for a price (which is almost never true, in  actuality). She’s also a former master of the art of card theft via  receipt, though it’s getting a lot harder nowadays. Previously, she’d  only do this sort of theft to indulge in normal teenage things, or  trying to appeal to her friends by buying them cigarettes or other “cool  things” in her younger years. Since the onset of her Fibromyalgia (and  specifically the constant testing that leads to nowhere but debt), she’s  had to resort to more desperate measures to be able to stay afloat  financially.

Basic story:

Casey's story is set in the early 2000's (2005-2008). Using her MySpace  grift, Casey has backed herself into a financial corner. Unable to pay  for her (not very effective) pain medications nor keep up with her  steadily increasing medical debt, even through her constant online  scamming, she feels that she's approaching the end of her rope. After  noticing the local video store still hasn't updated their machines in  accordance with the new guidelines (FACTA, 2003), she thinks she's  finally found her lucky break... an old trick she used to pull in  high school, just to show off... little does she know this one  desperate attempt to play catch-up would send her life in a totally  different direction.

After meeting Del and finding someone who understands her because of  her erraticism, the two of them find themselves on a path that some  outside observers might describe as "folie a deux"; for better or worse.
