Hiya!!! :D Do you have a set amount of DA points you'd be looking for to sell https://toyhou.se/5416858.tattletail and https://toyhou.se/5569076.brynn ??? They're adorable! ^^

nope! just offer and i'll let you know if that seems good :) 300 would be my minimum for each though!

hi! i meant *300 for both though, sorry for possible confusion <3

Oh no worries!!! I can do 500 for both, or 300 and one of these characters if you're interested!!!: https://toyhou.se/17416991.ota https://toyhou.se/12984466.anna-ota-https://toyhou.se/5188911.estella-essie-

Let me know if that's not enough and I can offer more! ^^

the 500 for both sounds good! You can send here: https://www.deviantart.com/lapkyns just lmk when you've sent the points and i'll send the characters over for ya!

Should be sent!!! Thank you so much!!! <333

received! no worries, ty as well!<3 both characters have been sent ^^

Feel free to look in my TH for anyone! I only ask that you steer clear of the Off Limits! Thank you and have a good day/night! :)

i really liked Alex! https://toyhou.se/13181985.alex anyone you would want for them?

deal! i'll send a transfer over!

Traded! :D

received! Thanks! Pleasure doin business with you :)

hi! does anyone from ZaneJulien0 interest you for Mackerel?

hi! i like https://toyhou.se/8156970.tbn ! That trade cool with you? :)