


1 year, 14 days ago



LF: This time, only DA points!
SB: 300 Points (It has an old design + new design + description)
AB: 1.000 Points (Don't worry, you can offer bellow this price, this is just to see how much people will like this design.)


Name: Cursed cat
Nickname(s): Ink cat or creature

Gender: none (He/Him/They/Them/It)

This is a paranormal cat, he has a long neck with a lot of fur! This creature was created by a writer from a cursed ink, the writer was unaware of the curse behind the paint and used it to create a tale in which the protagonist's pet cat was reportedly killed by being run over and days after the accident he came back to life as a stranger creature. In the tale the creature returns home, it acted like a normal cat, but as the days went by he became something else, until in the end the protagonist was killed by his own pet cat. After the writer finished writing the book he disappeared and in the place where he used to stay was found some strange white orbs next to the cursed ink poured over one of the pages of the one knows what happened.

Writer description: A 47-year-old man with short hair and a thin beard, he enjoyed writing horror and fantasy tales! Many of his tales were based on facts of reality or legends he heard out there.

Cursed cat: It feeds on people who read (or have contact with the book) the cursed story. He takes the person into the universe of the story, apprehending them there, if the person can find the reason why them was trapped them can get out alive but will not remember anything of what happened. If not, the cursed cat will feed on the person when the clock strikes 03:00 a.m.

Note: I created this adopt 1 year ago to post it on Halloween but ended up forgetting it, so I created a new version of it!