Constance Sarasate (Abilities and Techniques)



Absolute (Perfect) Pitch: Described as “the ability to identify or recreate a given musical note without the benefit of a reference tone.” Born with natural musical talent, Constance is not only able to identify and recreate any given note/tone/key of musical pieces, chords, or even everyday sounds, he is also able to sing specific notes on demand. 

Music Composition: Constance utilises his absolute pitch to compose both lyrical songs and instrumental compositions, and is especially well-known in Death City as an extremely talented composer.

Professional string Musician: Since childhood, Constance has had an affinity towards stringed instruments, having an exceptional talent in learning and performing any type of stringed instrument. However, he mainly composes for string quartets (two violins, viola, and a cello) and does vocal performances with an electric guitar.

Soul Perception: As a meister, Constance has the ability to perceive/sense the souls of others; it is mainly used to hunt down evil witches, although it is useless against those who have soul protect. He is also more susceptible to madness than the average person. 

Wavelength Control: As a meister, Constance has the ability to control his own wavelength, which allows him to handle demon weapons that are compatible with him, such as Ebony, his weapon partner.

Soul Resonance: [See Ebony’s section]

Teamwise Soul Resonance: Constance and Ebony possess a special ability in which the electric currents generated through playing the electric guitar (the only requirement being intense concentration from both Constance and Ebony) serves as a useful catalyst in teamwise soul resonances with selective meisters. 

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Constance possesses proficient ability in unarmed hand-to-hand combat as well as some acrobatics, which is more apparent when paired with his weapon partner as the two have incredible coordination. 

  • [Borrowed] Charged Attacks: [See Ebony’s section]
  • Skilled Swordsman: Although the “weapon” Constance wields is rather unconventional, he is classified as a sword meister due to his style of attacks with said weapon - because of its shape and addition of blades, he uses modified versions of traditional sword fighting techniques. He is also able to wield regular swords, thanks to his fencing background.