


11 months, 1 day ago



I managed to find you halfway across the Pacific. Don't you think i could find you halfway across the galaxy, too?

Sunny Hantanaka 17-18 6/7/1991 male he/him orca merfolk mlm deuteragonist taken $1000+

Sunny is a seventeen year old orca merperson living in the northern pacific ocean, close to the Hawaiian islands. He was born closer to east japan and migrated towards Hawaii when he'd come of age in search of food with his pod of 4 individuals (including him).


Sunny is a soft-spoken, somewhat skiddish eastern-tropical orca merperson. He enjoys playful banter and snarky, sarcastic comments every once and a while. If you get to know him, he can be a very vulnerable and emotional individual with a lot to share. However, he packs a hefty punch! Steer clear of his razor-sharp canines and you'll avoid a pretty bad chomp out of the arm or leg. Overall, witty and not afraid to bite; he is also a pretty messy eater... However, once on his soft side, he can be both sentimental and adoring.

He tends not to keep any of his relationships a secret from his family or pod. Kel has to, while Sunny blabbers away to his pod and his sister about his love life status. Kel finds it quite endearing to know that Sunny speaks about him so fondly.

Sunny has a lot of animalistic mannerisms. He can purr, breach water, click and squeal, use echolocation, adjust his ears, etc.

He sleeps hemispherically; meaning that while one half of his brain is deep in slumber, the other half monitors his waking status and swims him up for air every 5-7 minutes. Keep in mind, Sunny is still a mammal! He requires oxygen just like any other.

Sunny is a very defensive creature by nature. Often times, he will attack anything that looks somewhat threatening to him. As a defense mechanism, he can bare his teeth, flare his ears and fins, and make low growling noises. If this doesn't work, he goes for the jugular lol. He has very strong instincts, however, and will not attack something that he does not sense is actually dangerous.

Sunny's got a slight sleeper build. Because he must be able to propel himself quickly through the water, catch prey successfully, and fight off other lower-class predators, he has some muscle!

He has a bad chewing tendency similar to that of a teething child. Whatever he can get his teeth on-- he will. This includes rocks, shells, his pod members, bones, fish, and even Kel. Taste and touch are two of his best developed senses; he uses his mouth to explore most of the world around him. Unfortunately, this bad habit had resulted in him chipping a canine. Ever since meeting Kel, he has tried his very best to keep his biting urges at bay. However, he will occasionally nibble on Kel’s fingers and tried biting his legs out of curiosity when they first met. He knows to be careful now, though! He figured out pretty quickly how easy it was to break human skin. He is gentle when he nibbles on Kel’s fingers. :)

Sunny is very handsy by instinct. Kel, luckily, is the same way, so ever since they met they simply cannot get their hands off of each other. Whether it be Kel wanting to touch Sunny's scales/poke at his teeth (they are very sharp) or Sunny tapping at Kel's legs and arms, they are literally on each other 24/7. Eventually, it just leads to them developing feelings; it isn't uncommon to find them with laced fingers or tangled limbs by the shore after they'd began to express their romantic intentions.

Sunny's primary love language is gift-giving and words of praise/affirmation. He tends to compliment, flatter, and bombard Kel with pretty gifts from the sea all the time. Sometimes, he even brings Kel dead fish or mammals to express his affection; though Kel never eats the gifts (seeing as it's kinda gross to see a half-shredded baby dolphin on his dock) he appreciates the thought Sunny puts into it. Sunny is also the physically bolder one in the relationship. Because Sunny's skin is quite slippery, Kel has trouble initiating kisses; Luckily, Sunny has no problem with being the one to kick things off.

  • Kel
  • biting
  • miscellaneous land items
  • finding lost sunken objects
  • sleeping
  • visiting his family
  • loud noises
  • squid ink
  • bright lights
  • traveling long distances alone
  • liver
  • hard currents

He is seventeen at the start of the plot (june 1) and turns eighteen a week after (june 7th). Sunny is an eastern-tropical pacific orca merperson/siren that has currently migrated close to the Hawaiian islands in his pod of 4 for the abundance of food. There, he meets a boy named Kel and the story takes off from that point on. He is a deuteragonist in the Lost at Sea universe.

More info coming soon. The Lost at Sea fic will release June 1st, 2024 on crytterz ao3!

  • setting begins off the coast of a fictional Hawaiian town called Mauna
  • the plot starts summer of 2009
  • Sunny is seventeen for the first week of the story
  • meaning he is eighteen for the majority of the time
  • Sunny's origin is from the eastern pacific, close to japan
  • finger beans are optional
  • slit pupils, but not very visible
  • his eyes are extremely dark brown, appearing black
  • completely symmetrical patterns
  • sometimes his canines will slightly stick out of his lips
  • dont forget his moles! :) left upper cheek + chin

Kel is his main love interest. They start off as foreign best friends; over the course of a few months, their relationship evolves into one of an inexperienced, but fond first love. They spend almost every night together, meeting up at nine p.m. by the shore or Kel's dock. Since Kel's family nor their religion approves of sirens, they must keep their nuanced relationship a secret.


Mari is his older sister who lives out east with their birth pod and mother. They are close siblings who meet every early spring/late winter. Often times they are seen linking arms while they sleep so they don't float away from each other (similar to that of otters.)