


11 months, 22 days ago


  • NAME Reito Togami
  • AGE 26
  • GENDER Male
  • SPECIES Spotted Hyena
  • ORIENTATION Bisexual
  • BUILDFit
  • HEIGHT 5'10"
  • OCCUPATION Hustler/ Delivery Specialist
  • ALIAS Hanii
  • ORIGIN Japan


     Reito has gone through many aliases throughout his life. He keeps trying to move on to a better life, but his past keeps catching up to him. It's all due to the immense debt his father graciously bestowed upon him after killing himself and his wife. Sounds like a loving father right? His father would have killed him too if it wasn't for the debt collector swooping in.

     Reito has an insatiable appetite for speed and is always swerving between lanes on "his" electric motorcycle. He has gotten so skilled behind two wheels that in the black market, people ask for him by name for special deliveries. They call him Hanii (Honey in Japanese). No one would suspect a man that looks like him to go by that pet name.

     Honestly, he doesn't have much free time let alone time to sleep. He goes where the money goes 24/7, but he visits underground parties and strip clubs where his bosses are.


     Imagine a lock. Now, imagine that lock decorated with rose petals while on fire. That's Reito.

     He is a bluntly honest hyena that doesn't make friends easily. All his "friends" are from his various jobs, and they're not the type to save a man without anything in return. As a result, he keeps to himself unless he's trying to get a paycheck.

     Due to working all day and night, he is also constantly yawning. He's gotten so used to being tired, his personality dulled over time. He's straight to the point, sadistic, and surprisingly very soft-spoken (until he starts getting passionate); but, he's a MASSIVE flirt, honest to the bone, and the most trustworthy friend anyone could ever have as well. Weaker people tend to gravitate toward him because they think he'll save them...he will not

     Reito has been run over, stabbed, shot, and even bitch slapped off a bridge. His bones don't break easily, but he is quick to flee and save his own ass. Do you think he'd still be alive if he saved other people? Life comes, life goes; that's part of the job.


The Constant lack of sleep shows. He has heavy eye bags and messy undone hair. He braids the sides of his hair so it doesn't get in his face, but he's still overdue for a haircut. He also loves that the braids make him look like he has a mohawk.

He grew up in poverty, so he did not have much dental care. A few of his adult teeth fell out when he was just a teenager, but they're naturally so big and bulky that their falling out was probably for the best. 

Once he turned 22, he had a black market dentist take a look at his teeth. He doesn't remember what happened, but he woke up in a ditch with pearly white chompers. They're his real teeth, surprisingly!

On his abdomen, he has a scar from being stabbed by his "friend." The most obvious deformity he has is his cleft palate. Nothing crazy there, he was just born that way!


  • - Going F A S T
  • - Salmon
  • - Electric motorcycles
  • - Sweet peas
  • - BDSM

  • - Red meat
  • - Fast/ Oily food
  • - Dealing with his past
  • - Debt
  • - Brattiness (but lowkey likes it)



Joji Complicated 

Are they Friends? Friends with benefits? Lovers? Even they would like to know! Reito and Joji seem to have a casual fling going, but with each of their occupations, becoming a couple would complicate things even further. No one suspects that they know each other, and let's just say that's for the best. They hang out in the middle of the night when they can.

"HeyYYy pochi 🐶 you free tonight? There's something I need to tell you. Meet at the reg spot?" - Joji


Tsubaki Close Friend

The first to know Bakii's true identity. Reito also sells her drugs on the side. She's his biggest customer ever. They aren't romantically interested in each other, but they used to be friends with benefits in the past. 

" OWO Juicy juicy, I miss my Magic in a bottle"



Coming Soon