Clem Nakiri



1 year, 4 days ago


Clem Nakiri

Lesbian ⋆ Ninja ⋆ Sweet n' Stealthy

I'd rather be cutting cake, or throats. No no, cake.



Clem Nakiri


My nicknames


Somwhere in her 20s









Lives in

Her own burrow and/or Klecy's tower

Well known among those who know about ninjas, Clem is a very strong and resourceful ninja that's always up for a mission that involves stealth of some sort. She usually seems very polite and well-spoken, especially when contrasted with her more outspoken and chaotic friends like Klecy or Tuff, often being the voice of reason among them. It doesn't take away from how she's a trained assassin, even if she's more liable to slice cakes instead of someone's throat, enjoying both of those activities equally.

She has something of a violent nature she only lets out when her targets are able to give her a fight, she has no problem performing more low-stakes espionage, but there's a big difference between calmly and professionally staking out a caravan to acquire information, and smiling while casually cutting a man to ribbons then heading home to wash her hands like she picked some flowers. For this reason she's usually trusted with assassination missions. Her friends are well aware of how brutal she may suddenly get when swordfights get involved, but they don't really care because Klecy makes her look like a pacifist in comparison.

She cares a great deal for her friends and always makes sure to inform them when she's about to head off to a mission and when gets back from one, she once forgot to do this and was physically dragged back by Tuff to show everyone she was alright. She has a more low-energy vibe to her, being the kind of person to listen more than she talks, but when asked about knives, she's fully capable of talking about the history of knives tracing back to even caveman times.


When she was a child growing up, she adored stories of skillful killers hiding in the shadows, and since the village she grew up in was filled with rabbitfolk, who are culturally very violent, nobody really had a problem with her training become a ninja. She eventually found intensive training underneath Kail Moonhelm, which is how she met her sister that was her age, Klecy Moonhelm, who had nothing better to do than make friends with the new recruit. Every bandit in the immediate vicinity of the village eventually went "missing" when the training came to its conclusion.

She's particularly skilled at jumping from rooftop to rooftop in the dead of night, and being able to escape quickly after terminating a target in close quarters combat, either with her sword and knives, or just an overwhelmingly strong kick to the throat.

She was at first quite confused when during her training, her friend showed up sporting a strange spiral on her eye and acting a little more erratic, even more so when even Kail was displaying basic human care when explaining the gist of what happened before Klecy eventually confided with her a year later about what happened. Their relationship is still quite strong, but there was a quiet but noticable shift from "Rabbit and rabbit" to "Ninja and jester"


Related character

She and Klecy are highly close to each other, benig that way since childhood, even before the jester had her unfortunate accident. Clem's calming presence and caring personality makes, alongside Mural and Kail, one of the people Klecy feels the safest and most honest with, and Klecy's surprising amount of support and belief in her friends is always noticed and appreciated by the ninja. The two actually used to practice ninja and acrobatic moves together when Clem was being trained under Kail to become a ninja.

Related character

A description of the relationship goes here.


Theme 1 2



  • Knivef
  • Cooking
  • Parkour
  • Her friend and crush, Klecy
  • Poison
  • Any and all threats to her friends
  • Guards

-Her exact strength varies for how I need to write it, sometimes she's more explicitly superhuman, while other times she genuinely needs to sneak around if it's a large enough group of people. Point is, fighting her alone is a terrible idea and she seems to be able to output a lot more strength and damage than her low weight should actually entail, she'd kill it in Kung Fu Panda, basically. Her agility on the other hand is 100% superhuman, there is no regular dude that's doing the parkour she does.

-She's on some agent 47 bullshit where she would -maybe- kill a dude who didn't really have it coming, but all her targets are conveniently assholes,

-So many god damn knives, like what's up with this bitch?

-Not exactly neurotypical

-Her blue scarf is her favorite article of clothing, and she would fly into a rage were it to be damaged.

-More explicitly endowed, chest-wise, than Klecy.

-Jacked, and Klecy refuses to let anyone forget it.

-She's able to walk around in full ninja uniform back home, since in The Burrows, it's actually a great honor to be a ninja, to the point that you can only become one by getting scouted by another one.

-I prefer drawing her with the general mob face thing I've got going on, but her eyes are canonically blue.

-Those two scars on her body are from when a Kobold scratched her up on her first mission, they just don't happen to come up too often since her ninja uniform isn't revealing at all, as it keeps her fur from getting everywhere.

She's a black belt, it's just that she really likes blue.