Hòrion, Garuda archer



1 year, 2 days ago


Although not a bad person overall, Hòrion will definitely put your patience to the test since he’s cocky, brash and loud. Never turning down a challenge, for better or for worse, he is also Aloysius’ rival, since both are competing on the professional archery range under the training of Ippolyta.

If Aloysius takes the sport seriously, Hòrion seems more interested in being a show-off and seeking the spotlight, which manifests in him always trying new, weird archery techniques or trick shots. Unfortunately for his rivals, the few times he embarrassed himself or made expensive mistakes are greatly outweighed but is actually impressive achievements. His most notable technique is the Flying Handstand Leg-Shot™, which he developed as an attempt to overcome the anatomical limitations a Garuda encounters during archery sessions.

(Though large arm-wings have the potential for increased draw length and thus more powerful shots, Garudas tend to lack the strength to pull that off since most of their muscle mass goes into the pecs and legs. The Flying Handstand Leg-Shot™ instead requires the archer to hold the bow and arrow on their feet, drawing and shooting with the legs while doing a handstand. The ‘flying’ part is just flavour added by Hòrion because “it is not a regular handstand if you’re doing it with arm-wings!”)

Speaking of anatomy, never mistake Hòrion for a girl due to his thicker thighs and fluffy, puffy chest, unless you want to be pecked on the forehead…