
1 year, 5 days ago

Basic Info


Tokie, Toto


they/them, he/him




Toko is a baby dog from T H E B A C K R O O M S. More so, he appears in Tabbys and Marshalls dream with his B A C K R O O M ally, Affinlige. The two accompany eachother in T H E B A C K R O O M S, but it's hard to say they're friends. Affinlige is, in fact, actively mean to Toko.. he seems to ignore her, and only ever listens to her crazy ideas(her ideas are usually only ever about T H E O N E and his arrival). Toko seems very excited about the idea of bringing back T H E O N E, and is very creeped out by Affinliges obsession over T H E O N E. Who is T H E O N E, you ask? Only they know- more so, Affinlige knows. Toko has no idea. He never knows what's up anyways. Toko is overral a very confused and exciteable fellow-his curious stare can be actually creepy sometimes. But he's overral a very... nice... dog? Is this even a dog? He has horns and a lizard tail, often boasting about it to Affinlige- geez, these dogs are weird.. He even owns a dino suit, and wearing it makes him look even more like a tiny dino! Lizard! He's too pure for this world. He and Tabby meet in the dream, immediately becoming friends because NOONE. ESCAPES. TABBYS. FRIENDLY. AURA. She, too, is creeped out by the place, but is genuinely sad when she's waking up from the strange dream, knowing she'll never meet her fellow weirdo again.. Toko wants to see his friend again, but he is stuck in T H E B A C K R O O M S, with only one goal..