Sun Weaver



1 year, 13 days ago



NAME Cassidy "CJ" Jones
ALIAS Sun Weaver
BIRTHDATE August 29th, 2001
AGE 21
SPECIES Human Mutate
GENDER Cis Female | She/Her
OCCUPATION Student | Superhero

OK, FOLKS. LET'S DO THIS ONE LAST TIME. My name is Cassidy Jones, but you can call me CJ. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last 4 years, I've been the one and only: Sun Weaver. Don't you know the rest already?

I graduated high school--top of my class. I got accepted into Columbia University. I saved a bunch of people. I found out my best friend is a giant lizard. I saved the city again, and yet, I couldn't save my girlfriend...Nikki Wolf. And after everything, I still get up. No matter how many hits I take, I'll always find a way to come back. After all, it's just me. I'm the only thing standing between New York City and ruin, and I can't lose anyone else again.


PERSONALITY CJ can be rather abrasive in her civilian persona; she tries to calculate every angle to a problem and often speaks as if she knows the best solution to a problem which her fellow students dislike. While she is often right, this leads to her missing simple problems in favor of complicated ones. She also doesn't let anyone talk down on her for her disability; she is just as competent as anyone around her. For those close to her, they understand her quirks come from trauma and are patient with her. They recognize her as the intelligent, kind, funny woman that she is.

As Sun Weaver, she is less abrasive; she doesn't feel the need to defend her actions to others, so she can let more of her true personality come through like when she is with friends. The city views her as an kind, socialable hero; they also believe her to be an artist because the translucent webs she leaves behind reflect beautiful designs on the city. Unfortunately, she cannot see the designs she leaves behind which often leads to humorous responses from her when citizens ask about them. She can sense how the webs are placed, but she cannot see them or the designs very well due to her visual impairment.


Kind; Adaptable; Intelligent

Curious; Loyal; Stubborn

Secretive; Egocentric


Biting Fingernails
Anxious Pacing
Meditating in the Morning
Jogging After Meditating




Open Spaces


Singsong Voices
Family Dinners


Listening to Audio Books



CJ was born with poor vision, and her vision progressively got worse as she got older. However, this didn't stop her. She grew up learning gymnastics despite concern from her peers; she enjoyed participating, and it gave her something to look forward to while her vision was deteriorating. As a result of her worsening vision, she focused on understanding how her body moves and learned how to do events based on feel alone; her favorite event became bars. At 14, she began to attend a prestigious STEM high school on a scholarship, and when she reached the age of 15, she became legally blind.


After becoming legally blind, she was determined to prove to her classmates that her disability did not impact her ambitions; she loathed when people pitied her for being unable to do tasks most teenagers were looking forward to like driving. What was even the point of driving in NYC in the first place? Because of this determination, she was top of her class and was offered a tour of Oscorp during her senior year of high school. At this time, Curtis Connors had begun to experiment on different types of spiders to develop a new Super-Soldier Serum, per the wish of Norman Osborn. Unknowingly, a blind huntsman spider had escaped, and on a trip to the bathroom, CJ could see something small, but larger than most bugs, moving around. Unable to tell what was moving, she approached it; she would rather know what it was than ignore it and wonder about it later. Unfortunately, CJ got too close to the huntsman spider, and the spider bit her before retreating. Thinking nothing of the experience, she continued with the tour. After all, it was just a spider, and New York City has no spiders that would cause fatality, what was the worst that could happen?


Almost as soon as she got home, the place she was bitten was red and swollen; she also began to feel unwell. Hoping to sleep off her sudden illness, she headed to her room. When she woke up from her nap, she no longer felt ill, and her bite seemingly had healed. Unfortunately, she had yet to notice her new set of claws, and when climbing out of bed, she sliced her pillow open. Freaking out and making her way to the bathroom, she could see long fangs in her mouth once she got close to the mirror. Continuing to panic, she also managed to rip her bathroom door off its hinges. After panicking for nearly an hour, she began to test her new abilities, coming to the conclusion she now had enhanced healing, enhanced durability, enhanced speed (305MPH!!), enhanced pallesthesia, and enhanced chemosensation in addition to her fangs, claws, and superhuman strength. After the death of her then girlfriend, Nikki, she became the one and only: Sun Weaver.


NIKKI WOLF Late Girlfriend

Nikki and CJ were childhood bestfriends; Nikki saw the ups and downs of CJ's entire life and would always attend CJ's gymnastic meets. Both of their families became so close that they considered the other family an extended part of their family. In high school, the pair started dating, and both families were overjoyed; they had suspicions for a while but wanted them to move at their own pace. Because they were so close, they told each other everything--including the fact that CJ had taken up the mantle of Sun Weaver. While surprised and concerned, Nikki supported CJ's decision. Unfortunately, the Green Goblin, Norman Osborn, discovered Sun Weaver was dating Nikki. He used her as leverage to have Sun Weaver do a few heists to get technology, and Sun Weaver obliged for a period of time. Nikki eventually convinved CJ to stop following Goblin's demands, and as a result, the Green Goblin threw Nikki off of a skyscraper. CJ was not fast enough, and Nikki's neck snapped. Because of CJ's enhanced pallesthesia, she could feel her girlfriend's neck snap the moment it happened; she still prayed she was wrong when she got to Nikki, but it was too late.

KRIS CONNORS Girlfriend | Best Friend

Having grown up together in high school, they knew of each other to some extent; there were a few biology group projects where they were partners, but that was the extent of their relationship until they both attended Columbia University. Kris was one of the individuals working on the Super-Soldier Serum alongside her dad, Curtis Connors; she had received an internship position at Oscorp in high school due to her father. Unfortunately, due to her dad's experiments on himself before she was born, she began to have lapses in her memory and would wake up in odd places; Kris would later find out she was turning into a giant lizard without memory of it. She had hoped her position at Oscorp would allow her to find a cure, but it would be discovered the reason behind her transformation was the activation of the mutant gene--something with no cure. However, she learned how to control her transformations and can now recall her time as a 'The Lizard.' After CJ's girlfriend, Nikki, died, Kris offered for CJ a shoulder to lean on because no one else could understand having another identity. Several years later, they began dating, and 'The Lizard' occasionally helps Sun Weaver.


BODY TYPE Athletic
BODY BUILD Rectangle
WEIGHT 155 lbs
NOTEABLE FEATURES She has large fangs that do not retract. She also has claws that do "retract."


Out of her suit, she always wears glasses. She has roughly 20/400 vision with her glasses, and she also has minor prism. This means from a side view, her glasses are fairly thick. This also means that, yes, she can kinda see two of you! And no, the spider bite did not fix her vision at all! It only prevented it from getting worse.
She does not have a cane and prefers to rely on the senses she has; this was true even before she was bitten by the spider. On occasion, she will let close friends "guide" her while in her civilian outfit.
If she is reading a book, laptop, phone, etc., it will be in large print or braille so she can read it. Her chemosensation allows her to read some of the words with her fingers but because the letters are so close together, it gets muddled in her brain, and she can't read it properly.
Her jacket she wears as Sun Weaver is her favorite jacket, and sometimes she does wear it as a civilian; no one is expecting the blind woman to be a superhero.
CJ's claws go directly down from the pads of her fingers; they automatically flatten against her fingers when she goes to touch her own body, but she has to concentrate on "retracting" them around others.
The fangs are noticeable and do not retract in any way at any time. They can also release venom that causes nausea.
There may be any type and combination of flowers in her hair at a given time.