Marko | Crow



1 year, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Marko Sagar


5'7 | 170cm




Thief, Fraudulent Hero

Favourite Food:

Turnips, bread



Fighting Style:

Feather Blades


-Quiet Misty Countryside

 An orphan initially from the small city of Eibar, Marko Sagar longed for excitement and the urban life of big cities like Bilbo or Donostia. Bored and feeling adrift in life as if he wasn’t going to make anything of himself, his only solace was music and tv shows highlighting different cities across Europe which would eventually spark a flame inside the young man. Watching a show on backpacking students touring Europe, Marko soon figured he could simply pack up and leave. His boys home was less than supportive of his big plans to explore the country and he didn’t exactly have many friends given his penchant for fighting as a means of entertainment. As such he packed his bag with his small collection of personal goods and made off with a small donations lockbox and began to head north up to the Zarautz coast where he got a ferry to the island city of Makina-Hiria. Amazed and in wonder at the bustling markets and bright lights of the city riddled with restaurants and lounges and shopping centers and all manners of people; Marko felt at home.

-Machine City Blues

 However in his swoon mindset for Makina-Hiria he ended up spending all of his money buying food and and souvenirs leaving him wandering the streets deep into the night where, in the residential Market District, he soon discovered the prominent subculture of theft and criminality that Makina-Hiria is known for after he was held up by a man posing as homeless who stole all of his trinkets and leftovers. Bummed and still on the streets it’d be only a few more blocks until he wandered into Tong Long turf where he was promptly forced to empty his bag by the triad wannabes and lost his nicer clothes, sneakers, and a pocket watch from the parents he never knew before being knocked unconscious. When he next awoke he was in the back of a truck next to a curious bug masked individual who began to regale him with how the city works and the reality hit him hard as he came to terms with what his new life would entail. 

As time went on Marko has since regained his enthusiasm for the city quickly using his hobby of fighting and knack for pickpocketing to adopt the Makina-Hiria subculture scoring enough cash to make ends meet and enrolling in a boarding school for troubled youth for housing. One faithful night however, Marko and his buggy partner Ghostmantis were rushing away from a clothing store smash and grab when suddenly a business office a few blocks down erupted in a huge explosion as a girl on roller skates ran straight into him. Exchanging glances for a moment the girl grabbed Markos hand and bolted, leaving Ghost behind, she dragged Marko to a cafe upstairs where she quickly threatened to torch him unless he told her everything he knew of her. Explaining it was pure coincidence the skater, an odd girl named Nekane, locked him in refusing to release him until after the heat died down as the Ertzaintza would likely be searching for both of them. After some shitty movies and cup noodles however they soon found an odd common ground. Despite Marko's complete lack of care for Nekane's soapbox speeches on the city's corruption, her initial disdain for his apathy began to turn as she saw he wasn't much of a crook but rather a thief in it for the thrills moreso than monetary gain. Watching the news stories of their respective exploits on TV, the two began talking about all the holes in the city's subculture and society coming together in their shared desire to stand out as individuals and let their small world know they exist. Rationializing Marko's desire for notoriety with her own brand of anarchistic expression, she saw the opportunity to truly spread her message and so their pact was made to create none other than a fake hero persona to hit it big together for their respective goals of his fame and her cause.

-Our Story So Far

 Why become a "hero"? Simple! Marko and Nekane soon discovered a much larger underworld of skilled and even professional criminals all making waves in Makina-Hiria and without any spectacular edge or big crew, Marko had little way of making it himself among these already established crooks. Figuring that everyone loves a hero, he decided to zip up a tracky and don a mask he bought from a street vendor to start beating up other criminals just as they end their heist so he can skip the work and planning and still make off with a grand payout. That way the people view him as a vigilante even though he in reality is no lower than any other criminal not to mention pissing off most of the criminal underworld and bringing attention back to corrupt police. If either try to subdue him all it does is rile up a populace who has a scrap of hope for the first time in ages. Needless to say this put him as a numero uno on the shitlist of every criminal and cop in the city. Nonetheless, with his crudely made bladed gloves and compressed gas canister “jetpack”, he keeps thieving from thieves loving every moment while his anarchist partner uses his criminal exploits as a means of furthering her own dissenting actions in explosive anti-government expression.