


6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info






July 19








Grifen is the stoic and quiet type of person, his appearance and aura makes him mysterious and intimidating. Many people are cautious when first meeting him, especially since his demeanor isn't necessarily friendly. He's a socially awkward person and doesn't know all the social cues that most people around him seem to be caught up with. In conversations his answers are blunt usually leaving the person he's talking to in a difficult spot to continue a conversation. With this, he gives off the impression that he is cold and desires to be alone not wanting to associate with others. Even with his intimidating stature and cold attitude, getting to know him makes people realize that he is harmless. His personality gives off the wrong impression on who he is on the inside which is revealed to be very sweet and caring.

In Depth

Grifen suffers from clinical depression; symptoms he mainly suffers from include fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, impaired concentration, hypersomia, and suicidal thoughts. On top of that, he also has fetal alcohol syndrome. He did not develop many of the physical aspects, but he struggles more with the social and behavioral issues. He had difficulty in school, has trouble getting along with others, poor social skills, somewhat poor focus, and other minor behavioral problems.

His exterior may imply that he is grounded and has a hold of himself but he actually needs a lot of support. He suffers from very low self esteem which at times can be very disheartening and difficult to work with. He is thoroughly convinced that he is not worth anything because of his father. He ends up pinning a lot of his own and other's problems on himself, finding the most obscure and unreasonable ways he could have caused pain for others. Not believing he is a good person, he needs to be talked out of any depressive episode he has with soft encouragement. It takes a while to get him to actually calm down, especially if he becomes hysteric, he will usually take this pain out on himself or objects but never other people. He vents though self harm and exercise for the most part, luckily he has decreased his self harm extensively from his high school years but still bears many scars.

He is not social, he tends to avoid social confrontation and does not go out much if he can help it. If he didn't have people to encourage him to get out more, he would likely end up just isolating himself. He isn't necessarily unhappy with the idea of being alone, but it is much healthier for him to be able to talk to others. For if he doesn't, he ends up alone with his own thoughts and spirals into a worse state of depression. He only isolates himself because he doesn't feel like people actually appreciate him and feels as though he makes every conversation worse just by being there. In addition to that, he is usually very drained and can become tired easily in a social environment.

In the presence of others that manage to become close to him he will begin to open up a bit. Although he is still not very talkative, he will initiate conversations with people he considers his friends. He usually never speaks unless he feels like he is obligated to, but he will strike up small talk with those that he feels comfortable with. It's never explicitly stated by him, but his friends and others who support him are of great value to him and he will do what he can to protect them and make sure they're happy.

He also tends to be quite forgetful or not concentrated at times; he has never been good at memorizing or connecting certain ideas. He can be terrible with names and not able to visualize who someone is talking about if they only give him a verbal description. This may frustrate some people, but he genuinely just can't keep track of most of it. Instead of becoming frustrated over it, he accepts the fact that he can't remember and is very dismissive about it. He wishes that he could forget some memories as easily as he forgets the name of Neopte Romero (who he canonically never remembers the name of, ever).



He was never too concerned with the romantic aspect of his life. He never thought of himself as lovable enough for anyone to actually want to be with him. He has always been so sure his depression would be the destruction of any romantic hope he has ever had.

Otherwise, he always imagined someone who would care dearly about him to be his lover. He has always just wanted to feel loved and appreciated and that's honestly all he could ask for in a relationship.

He is currently in a relationship with Vinlen Mackenzie. He has no prominent exes.

[stories vary based on AU]

Vinlen is the love of his life, she is the person he cares about most. She was one of the only people he has ever met with so much concern for others. It touched him when she expressed how important and great he was and he caught himself catching feelings. To him, she always comes first and wants to make sure she is happy and safe. He doesn't necessarily know how she deals with him sometimes, but he understands that she really does care about him. It makes him feel a lot better about himself and he is coping with his depression a lot better due to her. In the years of their relationship Grifen slowly comes to love himself more through her and in return he cares for her any way he can. They love spending time together and the focus of their relationship is mainly emotional than anything else.


His family consists of his mother Melanie West and his father Issac Sullivan. He was also close to Alison West.

He didn't get to know Melanie at all since she died giving birth to him. He likes to imagine her as a nice person since whenever Issac and Alison talk about her they always talk about how wonderful she was. He sometimes feels guilty of killing her even though he had no way of preventing her death.

His relationship with Issac is terrible, Issac was always abusive to him and wore him down in his high school years. He stopped talking to him after he left when he turned eighteen and doesn't care to get back in contact with him. He wants to forget Issac and resents him for being so horrible.

Alison raised Grifen up until his high school years and he is quite fond of her. Compared to Issac she was a godsend for a guardian even though she wasn't perfect to any degree. She did care for him and treated him well, but only out of obligation to Melanie since Issac was not up for raising him. She wasn't great with kids and didn't know how to deal with his apparent depression and troubles in school as he got older. Despite this, she gave Grifen the best childhood she knew how to provide. After raising him and giving him back to Issac, he never saw her again. He's fearful that Issac murdered her and wishes he could see her at least one more time so she could see how much he has grown.


  • His favorite color is navy blue
  • His alignment is True Neutral
  • His zodiacs are Cancer Sun and Virgo Moon
  • His smash main is Wolf
  • His pokemon team is Hydreigon, Druddigon, Machoke, Aggron, Dusclops, and Gigalith
  • Gryffindor
  • His favorite hobby is baking
  • He gets boat sickness
  • He is allergic to seafood like shrimp
  • Grifen just doesn't like the ocean too much
  • He wears his eyepatch because he has coloboma, he is legally blind in that eye and is very insecure about it
  • He has an extra X chromosome, an XXY boy
  • Snail kink