Uros Elysion



11 months, 17 days ago



— Little lord of the field of resting souls, the home of the blessed after death.

  • The adopted son of a family descended from a long line of nobles, that in recent years fell from grace. Uros was the only person with his family name that was not executed, due to his young age when his family's crimes were exposed and the fact that he did not share their blood. Unfortunately, since his mother was an adult who married into the family, she was not spared as Uros was.
  • The exact nature of the crimes were hidden from the public and only kept hushed between other nobles, the royal family, and the church. They are never spoken of or referred to by name in fear of being cursed.
    Nowadays, the Elysions are only referred to as the “false saints”. They had always been a prestigious and respected bloodline, but only under lies..

  • Uros is an elf. His mother, who was an elf, married into a human family when he was a child.
  • He keeps his hair cut short. To humans, this would have no meaning- but for elves, long hair signifies status and symbolizes many vital things in their culture. Cutting it usually means that they’re likely a criminal, and rejected blessings and it will bring divine retribution.
  • He loathes the royal family and the church. He refuses to speak of them or be within the vicinity of anyone close to them.