


This here is one of The Destructive, Duty-bound Anti-Heroes of Detroit; They call her.... Insanity.

Symbiosis Name: Insanity

Symbiote: Smile

Host: Harley Gwendolyn Jackol

Place of Birth(Human): Detroit

Place of Birth(Symbiote): Unknown


 Speed and Agility { Capable of performing spectacular athletic feats and going toe to toe with a few superpowered individuals such as Captain America, Spider-Man and Daredevil }

Shapeshifting ( The Host is able to interchange everything from appearance to a limb with the greatest of ease; more adept at tool based shifting than weapon based shifting )

Super Strength ( A needle of precision that has above human strength but lacks lifting  poweror throwing strength for greater weights than a humanoid; the host relies on hand to hand combat but is able to break down projectiles with a simple flick )

Adaptable Vision  ( Possessing 4 on the head and 2 eyes on the chest plate, which allows them to see in more than what unaltered beings can view }


Metal ( Pierced or Slashed by specific metallic substances causes the symbiosis to become disrupted which leads to disorientation )

High Pressured Liquid ( Exposing them to great blasts and concentrated forms of liquid will cause the symbiote to drip from the host, becoming unreliable until they can reform and stabilize, which takes an hour }

Titles: Lady Light, Jovial Jelly, Demona De Detroit, Deadly Dame, Ninja, Savage Siren, Jumpy Jester.

Information & History- 

Harley G.J was born without the use of her legs; she has had to use specialized wheelchairs all her life; that did not damper her growing curiosity and desire to not be held back by the circumstances of her birth.

Described by others that known her as bright and bubbly yet for those that do not really know her, all they ever saw was the mask she used to hide her real self; showing most of the world the façade of a withdrawn, serious  individual who remained unchanged until the 17th year of  her life.

 The Symbiosis with Smile brought Harley out of her shell, giving her the freedom of the city and the usage of her legs with enhanced vision that takes away her reliance on wheelchairs as well as glasses. From this union, they have become an able-bodied and enthusiastic defender of Detroit.

Smile is the Symbiote that came into contact and then merged with Harley; this particular specimen was dumped within a vat of behavioral chemicals which lobotomized the symbiote, separating it entirely from the greater klyntar hivemind, which allowed it to later develop a personality that mirrors Harley's own along with notable differences; Smile identifies as she/her and the most accurate way to summarize her is crude, casual and cunning, as mentioned by Harley herself.

The merging that had birthed the new identity of Insanity stands 3 feet taller than Harley if she could use her legs; they serve as the brains and voice of the Demonic Duo, a striking beauty with a free disposition who flaunts her moves like a cobra and a tigress combined into one.