


11 months, 28 days ago



 Gender  male
 Pronouns  He/him
 Age  ???(adult);
 S.O.  Homosexual
 DoB  ???
 Sign  ???
Species mutated feline
 Height  ~ 95-100cm (3'1.4"-3'3.4")
 Occupation  rogue mage

A black feline with white markings and indigo eyes. He belongs to a mutated subspecies of the common cat in this world, which grants him an immunity to magic burn, a natural affinity to arcana and sorcery, and those edgy black sclera.

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Leader Follower







 Attitude  absurdist/skeptic/opportunist


  • Determined
  • Composed
  • Fair-minded
  • Magically skilled
  • Obstinate
  • Vengeful
  • Emotional

Förinta de som förstör och förblindar.

In this world, there is magic and true magic. Magic refers to the weaker forms of true magic, as true magic would kill the ordinary cat. Mages strive to reach true magic, but those who've come too close have either been so severely injured they can no longer live life, only exist, or they've perished with their attempts. All magic users have different levels of magic burns, a sacrifice you simply have to accept as a magic user.

However, on a small island off to the west, a singularity underneath the earth influenced its isolated inhabitants, mutating them into a subspecies that could not only reach true magic, but also remain unharmed from magic burn.

Aspen was born into a small, ordinary family on the island of Morrow. Relatively isolated due to treacherous waters, the inhabitants didn't know of their unique capabilities- to cast any magic, no matter how chaotic and potent, without any strain on their bodies. A trait the Mages desperately crave... but also fear. The moment the Archmage, Rieka, found out about these cats, she ordered the complete destruction of them, save for a few individuals to study.

And so, Aspens entire life was in ruins. Being the only known survivor, he had managed to drift ashore on the mainland, where he was eventually discovered by one of the more unwilling and remorseful Mages, the young Calanthea. She took him under her wing, caring for him as a mentor and mother.

Aspen used to be a very bright, curious cat with a natural talent for magic, albeit with a darker undertone due to survivors' guilt and a slight emotional instability. Later on in life, he slowly grew more skeptical and irascible. He’s always been very stubborn and protective of those he cares about.

He has a strong hatred for the Mages, or mostly Rieka due to the nature of her leadership. He wants to overthrow them, or at the very least execute Rieka, so the corruption may finally end. Though… How far is he willing to go for what he thinks is right?