Lutzia Cullex



5 years, 11 months ago


"It didn't occur to me until later that there's another truth, very simple: greed in a good cause is still greed." - Stephen King, Wolves of the Calla

Basic info

PRONOUNSShe/her (trans woman)
TROLL TAGefficaciousTransfusion
ABILITYCan hover in the air for short periods of time.
OCCUPATIONNothing solid atm.
Uses it to draw blood samples for her collection and inject poison or even possibly viruses in her threats.
FETCH MODUSCommunicating vessels
Requires balancing items based on their volume or weight. There's one vessel that's strictly for adding items to and another one strictly for retrieving items out. The items move from one vessel to another automatically, according to the certain physics law, based on how much place they take. Thus, if Lutzia puts a big item in the first vessel, she'd have to add in either something equally as big, or lots of smaller items to get it out of the second vessel.
HIVEA mobile home van that she stole. The only song she listens to while driving is "Blood" by MCR on a loop. Her lusus lives in some sort of aquarium.
LUSUSMosquito larva
Her lusus isn't even an imago yet. Lutzia connected with her on the ground that this larva was one of the few cannibalistic ones (being a reference to the actual Lutzia mosquitos). Besides, she really wanted a badass lusus, although it backfired horribly because the larva's just taking its sweet time for some reason. Lutzia likes going around claiming everyone will regret being mean to her when her lusus will become a giant terrifying mosquito, but for now, it's just a baby raising a baby. Who's raising who? We don't know.
INTERESTSShe's interested in the DNA research and the troll creation process. She has a sense when analyzing people's blood, can tell who you are through the numbers and the type, how thick or watery the blood is etc.
She's interested in going back to "school" somehow as a "teacher" but knows the job probably wouldn't be given to her. On one hand, it sounds like a thief of blood teamwork stuff; on the other, she's a little impatient gremlin. Though really, she just wants to go to analyze the service droids further. ET: -> Cla℥℥ I need your blood don't a℥k que℥tions it'℥ for your FUTURE
QUIRKPrefix: ->
Appears to be either a proboscis or a command prompt to give all your blood to her.
- first letter of a sentence: no
- after a period: no
- names: no
- "I": yes
- commas: no
- periods at the end of a line: no
- apostrophes: no
- "z", "Z", "s", "S" with "℥"
- lots of "!!!" and "???" since she's so expressive

ET: -> hoo boy Im ℥o bored Im de℥cending into a fucking coma
ET: -> am I uppoed you plead you on my knee to get the tiniet bit of excitement??? another ten minute of thi and Im calling the executive aking to get unborn!!!
CLASSPECTThief of Blood



Lutzia is energetic, loud and somewhat obnoxious. She realizes that she comes off as clingy and annoying, but she just can't help it. People often call her an emotional parasite.

She really is still just a kid at heart, and is yet to learn how to take responsibility for her actions. She has hard time evaluating consequences, accepting her wrongs and filtering her behavior in general. According to her, most problems come from other people, and she does nothing wrong.

Lutzia has quite an ego and is sure she's the best fit for any job. She will likely try and steal your responsibilities in order to make herself look cool and helpful, only to make things worse. 

She doesn't shy away from manipulation, either. Perhaps, she does you a favor first and then forces you to endlessly pay her back. Or uses you with little to no in return, and throws a fit when it's pointed out. Or agrees to help, caring only about her own profit. 

Because of all that, Lutzia really doesn't have many people who'd like to stick with her as soon as they see through her bad temper and incompetence. And nothing really scares Lutzia more than staying alone. Her plunging into a group of people and proclaiming herself their leader is nothing but a desperate cry for help and attempt to find a place where no one would look down on her.

  Good/neutral traits

  • adventurous;
  • ambitious, bold, confident;
  • curious;
  • decisive, persistent;
  • enthusiastic, passionate, extroverted;
  • honest;
  • persuasive, inspirational;
  • playful, spunky;
  • simple, uninhibited;
  • adaptable, spontaneous, whimsical;
  • imaginative, optimistic;
  • aspiring leader

  Bad traits

  • reckless, rowdy;
  • cocky, confrontational, rebellious, defensive;
  • nosy;
  • stubborn, uncooperative;
  • exhausting, verbose;
  • tactless, inconsiderate;
  • pushy, impatient;
  • childish, mischievous;
  • disorganized, irresponsible, self-indulgent;
  • frivolous, scatterbrained, impulsive, fickle, unpredictable;
  • callow;
  • jealous, needy, possessive, manipulative


  Helica Alembi: Somewhat dysfunctional kismesis. Lutzia genuinely wants to improve her, but is bad at it. She's simultaneously a blessing and a disaster to Helica's life. Their relationship basically boils down to "don't jump from that cliff, I swear to god" and "lol ur not my mom". Lutzia is bad at expressing affection, so she usually resorts to petty insults and all kinds of physical nudges, which Helica is used to. They often have big loud fights, declaring their break-up, mostly because Lutzia avoids vocally admitting mistakes at all cost, but in the end she always returns and looks too guilty and miserable for Helica to stay mad at her. Lutzia is worried Helica would leave her for some cushy job and higher society, but still refuses to change because she thinks that Helica wants her to become another spineless pushover.


  dbnet18 - Bloodsucker
  Perfect Stranger - A Mosquito Bit My Leg (Komorebi remix)
  Cirque du Soleil - Los Mosquitos

Credit: Xamag