Dragon Queen



11 months, 27 days ago


The once forgotten Dragon Queen is very much alive, though hardly seen after the fall of the Dragon King. She is very elusive and manages to stay alone deep in the forests of Dragon Island. A skilled master in light-based magic she can easily counter the illusions the darkness may cast in her direction. Her long tail is likely a preferred defense mechanism; A quick flick can make a loud snapping noise and startle anyone who is after her. She is far older than the Key Trio.

Long ago, she shared her rule alongside a dragon of darkness known simply now as the Dragon King. While the king did not seem fond of the humans the queen had no issues with them and seemed to ensure their alliance stayed strong and even aided them in any scuffles that erupted. At some point in time though the king attempted to cast his darkness across the island and corrupt the humans into monstrous dragons themselves though his first attempt did not reach as far as he liked and only a few humans were transformed. The queen was horrified at his attempt though she knew it was bound to happen again. She warned him that if he should attempt it again she would not stand by like she had done last time.

He tried it again after gathering more power from the shadows, and she stayed true to her word. While the Dragon Queen has yet to explain what all happened, it seems that after it transpired she casted light across the island to prevent the further spread of the transformative darkness and went into hiding hoping that perhaps that one day another dragon of light would rule once more...But she too has her doubts that the Key Trio guardian is the one as Jess has both the powers of darkness and light.

While the Dragon Queen is not easy to find it's advised to take caution in the deepest parts of the forests since you may trip over her tail.