


10 months, 19 days ago


Name Witheredflame

Former Names Witheredkit - Witheredpaw  

Gender Male (He/Him)

Orientation Hetero

Mentor Ospreychaser

Rank Warrior

Residence Roseclan

Age 13 moons / Born 5/09/2023



  • Book Description:  Amber and white tom with dark brown spots and pale green eyes

Witheredpaw is a vibrant amber tom with markings that resemble Bengal spots, however he is not pure breed so they only cover the majority of his back.  His mixed breed status is also the result of other markings not typical for Bengal cats, such as his white tipped tail and white face mask marking.  His color pallet starts out darker at the top and transitions into lighter markings mid-way.

Witheredpaw's fur coat is in healthy condition nonetheless and has a glossy sheen when the light hits it.  His fur is short in most areas but is quite thick all throughout, with curls that just don't quit.  There are spots that have grown rather long, such as the end of his tail and the fur growing around his jaw line and underbelly.  Because of his thick fur, it can be a bit of a hassle getting it groomed to perfection.  He is just now trying to learn how to groom himself, otherwise he is very vocal about others getting it done for him.

His eyes probably stand out most just because they don't resemble the rest of him.  Witheredpaw's pelt is very vibrant and full of color while his eyes appear to be grey.  When he's out in the sun you can see that they have green highlights, otherwise at night they appear almost entirely grey.  Its theorized that its the same pigment that explains why his face is white in contrast to the rest of his pelt.

Design notes
  • His eye's base color is grey with light green highlights.
  • The majority of his pelt is more on the short side with curly bits here and there.
  • The longest part of his pelt is his underbelly reaching up around his jaw line.
  • The fur on Witheredpaw's tail starts out short at the base and gradually gets longer at the end.
  • His facial markings don't have to be exact as long as they take the form of stripes.  The size and shape of his spots also don't need to have a strict form as long as they're semi accurate.
  • His paw pads and inside his ears more closely resembles the color salmon but faded.

Extroverted | Direct | Orderly | Active |  Impatient | ShamelessNeedy Self-absorbed

  • Extroverted
Witheredpaw enjoys the company of others so a filled Nursery is a positive experience for him.  He will actively seek the fellowship of others around him including Kitwatchers.  Being around others seems to affect him in a positive way, like if he was given a task such as help tidy up a mess in the nursery, he'd be noticeably more willing to do so if he had friends with him to help.  If for some reason he's left alone in the nursery for long enough, he'll get in fits of boredom and is more likely to instigate something mischievous for entertainment and potentially catch someone's attention. 

  • Direct

Witheredpaw isn't one to hold back information, rather he gets straight to the point so there's no confusion.  "I'm hungry" or "I want to play hide and seek" are examples of his directness.  He doesn't beat around the bush to see if anyone actually feels like playing a game.  The fastest way to get results is to just announce them.  His directness also results in more honesty from Witheredkit.  He probably had a short faze of experimenting with fibbing but ultimately decided that lying just complicates things.  Witheredkit doesn't like to have to try and remember his lies so it's easier to just confess to them.  

  • Orderly

I want to make it very clear that Witheredpaw isn't a stickler to the rules kind of orderly, this more applies to how he likes things to play out.  He can't enjoy a game until everyone participating understands their game roles.  He might even explain how to play regardless of if everyone has played it before or not.  He gets frustrated if others "aren't playing right".  You'd think this would be considered negative, but it can be seen as him practicing leading, which is a good trait to have for leading patrols one day.  He's also very neat about his appearance and prefers to maintain a clean appearance.  Tangled fur or patches of dirt get on his nerves throughout the day.  Once he's able to groom himself he won't be such a bother to the Kitwatchers.

  • Active
Witheredpaw likes to be busy.  He especially loves helping the Kitwatchers if they want him to tidy the Nursery or keep watch of younger kits in the nursery.  He overflows with excitement if a warrior include him in something within the clan camp.  Even if it's as small as holding a stick he will do so with enthusiasm. He just doesn't handle boredom well and would rather be doing something as apposed to nothing.  He loves to play games that activate his imagination or require him to strategize.  He has a hard time falling a sleep sometimes just because it's difficult for him to remain still  and quiet for long periods of time.  He's that one kit that will try to talk to the other kits when they're supposed to be falling asleep.  For example "Hey, so&so, are you asleep yet?"

  • Impatient
Time just doesn't move fast enough, and he also doesn't get fed soon enough.  Witheredpaw doesn't like the terms such as "Wait your turn" or "We'll do that later".  He'll respond with something along the lines of "But I want it now!!".  He can have some spoiled tendencies due to his previous living conditions and is used to getting things when he says so.  This will take a major adjustment period before he changes his behavior, for now waiting on anything or anyone just won't do.  This also explains why he can't handle boredom too well.  He knows he could be having way more fun with something else, so whatever is causing his boredom isn't getting resolved soon enough.

  • Shameless
Witheredpaw takes adult scolding really well for a kit his age, which is not a good thing.  Brushing off criticism could prevent him from learning valuable lessons sooner than necessary.  He's just not used to getting in trouble at all, so seeing the consequences to his actions might take some time to take effect.  For now he'll just try to bicker his way out of trouble or flat out ignore the corrections.

  • Self-Absorbed
Witheredpaw seems to live in a universe that's all about him and what he wants.  He has a hard time getting into games that weren't his original idea, or rules that seems to impede on his fun.  Some of these traits I feel will change as he gets older and more accustomed to clan life, for now he's working through the process.  Witheredpaw does really like others approval though, so he does make a small effort to appeal to other's opinions.  Otherwise his default priority is usually what he wants.

  • Needy
Witheredpaw doesn't really know how to self entertain so requires others to be available to fulfill that for him.  He can feel pretty lonely in moments where he's by himself and will go out of his way to find company.  He demands A LOT of attention from the Kitwatchers.   I'm noticing a lot of his negative traits tie into each other a little, but they will eventually be replaced as he gets older and learns some lessons.  Right now he's a kit that's just a little more needy than the others and will vocalize it really loudly.  You could define him as a brat really.

  • Playing hiding games
  • Picking on grown ups
  • Plants of any kind
  • Being around lots of company
  • Over explaining just about anything
  • Getting his way
  • Being alone
  • The dark/shadows
  • Rough play
  • Rain/getting wet
  • Being left out of things
  • Being interrupted multiple times


Before clan life:  I acknowledge that Witheredpaw won't remember his parents or most of the events that occurred previously.  Witheredkit's kitty-pet name was Smore at this time.  

Brief description: Smore was a spoiled little kitty pet who found that being the loudest and neediest kit got him more attention and treats.  He was born into a twoleg home where him and his siblings would be sold to other twolegs for companionship.  Smore was soon picked up by his new twoleg and found himself in a car for awhile.  This car suddenly got into an accident that results in it going into the ditch on its side.  Smore out of fear finds a way out of the vehicle's shattered window and runs away, hoping to run into his family again.  Instead he runs into a cat from Roseclan and he's taken back to their camp, too tired to object at this point.

Detailed backstory:

Smore's parents lived with a couple of twolegs that were very wealthy.  Because they were financially stable, they were able to dive into some of their hobbies that were otherwise counter productive.  One of their hobbies were allowing Smore's parents to have relations and produce kits that they could sell to other twolegs.  It was hard the first few times for them to allow their kits to be taken, but after a few times it became easier to accept.  

Smore was part of a litter of six kits that came after many previous litters.  His parents were going through the parenting motions, for it was hard to get invested with kits that will be taken away shortly after.  Smore thrived in his large family and felt comfort when surrounded by them.  Being one out of six had its quirks though and Smore soon learned that if he wanted to be heard, he had to be the loudest and most demanding kit compared to the rest.  This lesson could also be applied to the twolegs that cared for his family.  He found that if he meowed loudly at them every so often, they would give extra treats and attention.  Because of this, Smore became a plump little kit who was well fed and had a spoiled attitude.

The time came when him and his siblings were posted online for new potential twoleg homes.  Smore was soon sold to someone and after some time they arrived to pick him up.  Smore found himself in a cat carrier inside a car, none of which he was ever familiar with so he was very nervous.  He tried meowing to see if that would change anything, but after some time of that it became apparent that nothing was going to change.  After becoming silent, he soon fell asleep and allowed time to pass.  

After an hour, Smore was abruptly woken up by a loud crashing sound and his whole world shook.  The twoleg driving got into a car accident that caused the vehicle to roll into the ditch onto its side.  The jostling was enough to pop open Smore's carrier, if it wasn't for the soft blankets inside the carrier, Smore could have been severely injured.  He was only left with mild bruising in some spots.  He was wildly afraid at this point and ran to what he hoped was the nearest exit of the vehicle.  Since the car was on it's side, the windows were about ground level for the little kit. Smore was able to find a shattered window to exit through, then ran away from the crash sight, meowing for his family that he couldn't comprehend were miles away at this point.

Kithood / detailed :

Discovering Smore:  After running for as long as his little body allowed, Smore discovered a bush to crawl under.  He was now lost and exhausted with no idea how to fend for himself.  He had fully relied on others to take care of him up to this point.  All the little kit could do was cry out in despair, hoping his family might hear him and come to his rescue.  That's probably what saved his life, even if it wasn't his family that found him.  An adult cat by the name of Springcloud later found him mewling in distress and took pity on him.  The large tom used a reassuring tone to try and calm Smore down who was visibly distressed.  Eventually he was able to get Smore to approach him close enough so he could grab his scruff and carry him out of the cold Leaf-bare weather.  If it wasn't for Springcloud, Smore probably would have frozen to death

He was taken back to Springcloud's home, which he found out was called a 'clan' where many other cats lived together.  Because of his mild bruising and distressed state, he was briefly cared for by the Sage until it was determined that he was physically fine and could move into the Nursery with the other kits.  Before that happened, Smore was given the name Witheredkit by the Leader Applestar and he was handed over to the Kitwatchers to be cared for and learn the basics of Clan life, and the rules that come with it.  

Witheredkit adapted quickly once he was surrounded by other kits.  It was a familiar feeling being one of many.  The rules of this life were completely different than what he was used to.  He found that food wasn't readily available as much as he wanted and his loud attention seeking that took the form of whining was considered very rude.  It might take time before Witheredkit learns a thing or two about respect, but he was in a good place to find out.

Springcloud's Passing: During the start of Witheredkit's arrival, Springcloud would check in on him every so often to make sure he was adapting to his new home.  Since Witheredkit arrived with bruises, Springcloud was willing to monitor him to make sure he was healing well enough.  Witheredkit was intimidated by the larger tom and still showed shy behavior to Springcloud.  It didn't take much effort though before Witheredkit grew to like Springcloud and would partake in little games with him.  It was only a moon later that it was discovered that Springcloud had taken a toll from the drought that persisted for moons prior and couldn't go on much longer.  One day Applestar announced that Springcloud had passed away along with others from the persistent drought.  Witheredkit hadn't experienced death up until this point so he wasn't too sure what that meant just yet.  Someone was careful to explain to him that 'passed away' means that Witheredkit wouldn't be able to see Springcloud anymore.  This was devastating news to the young kit, for Springcloud was his first friend and only one he felt he could fully trust!  He could have almost been a replacement for Witheredkit's father.  The little kit fled in tears to the Nursery, beginning the process of learning to cope with the loss of a friend.  He hoped to never forget Springcloud even if he couldn't see him.  

The Beginning of Many Friendships:  Though he lost the friendship of Springcloud, Witheredkit has come to know several of his den mates, a few of them known as Ghostkit, Darkkit, Sunflowerkit, Whitekit,  and the litter of four that was populated by Drizzlekit, Dewkit, Magnoliakit, and Mahoniakit.  Their mother, Lobelia, doesn't care for Witheredkit too much, but has eventually learned to ignore him.  He had instigated a game of hide and seek where her kits were encouraged to leave the safety of the Nursery against her wishes.  This caused a brief moment of chaos in the camp clearing but her rage was eventually appeased with some flowers that Witheredkit reluctantly took part in along side Ghostkit and Darkkit.  Other than that, the four kits and Witheredkit got along pretty well.  He seems to have created a small rivalry with Magnoliakit in particular though, believing that she was trying to deceive him for some kind of amusement.  Well Witheredkit wasn't going to have that and refuses to believe she is related to the all mighty Leader Applestar.

Appreciating the Little Things: The moons that went by were some that will stick with Witheredkit forever as cherished memories.  The many games he's gotten to play during his kithood and the many friends he's come to know.  He is very grateful for one den mate in particular, Ghostkit.  Ghostkit was well liked by nearly all the kits and he was good at including all his den mates in fun games.  He was probably the most social and friendly kit in the whole clan!  Witheredkit enjoys the creative mind of Ghostkit and he appreciated him for understanding his dislike of rain and mud.  Witheredkit considers Ghostkit as one of his best friends, even if they haven't gotten the chance to mingle one on one.  He's certain though that there's nothing in their way to being best buds!

Coping with Change to Come:  It was easy to forget the passing of time when you're having so much fun!  There was gossip passing around regarding one of Witheredkit's den mates, Sunflowerkit.  The word was spreading that she was going to become an apprentice soon!  Witheredkit didn't really consider what that meant up until it was actually happening to one of his den mates.  It was alien to him and he couldn't help but want to learn more about becoming an apprentice.  Witheredkit was sneaking a peak into the den where the apprentices sleep, trying to learn more about this title.  Sunflowerkit was nearby and ended up joining him in his exploration.  The two of them eventually made their way inside and began to imagine themselves one day adding their nests to the collection.  This was also a time for Witheredkit to learn that he didn't like spiders too much, and Sunflowerkit DID?  A mystery for sure.

Awaiting the Future: Overall Witheredkit couldn't have asked for a better outcome for his life and he is eagerly looking forward to what is in store for him next as an Apprentice of Roseclan!  He isn't particularly excited about having more responsibility and would much rather stay in camp and play games, as he's always done, but soon he'll need to understand that life doesn't work that way sometimes.  The Clan will need him to be strong for what's to come, even if he doesn't know how to be.  At least he's got plenty of friends that will be there with him along the way.

Apprentice hood:

To be announced


  • Prefix — His pelt resembles the withering of leaves in the fall
  • Suffix — He is currently an apprentice training to be a warrior
  • I bought Witheredpaw's design from the TH User StormBoundHound.
  • Eventually I plan for Witheredkit to become less spoiled and learn that Clan life is actually really hard and requires the help of every member in order to thrive.  There is no room for selfishness.

Relation, † 

Your character's thoughts of this character. Can be in character or not.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua


"She's got a lot of nerve trying to pull a fast one on me!  There's a chance she's actually not lying though...  That would make me look a little dumb."

Ut venenatis tellus in metus vulputate. Elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla facilisi. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh.


"Ghostkit is so nice to everyone, sometimes I don't know how he can be so nice!  He always comes up with the most fun games to play!"

 Ghostkit is one of the many den mates Witheredkit lives with in the Nursery.  They get along well and seem to enjoy each others company.  It seems they have a similar story regarding how they ended up in Roseclan.  Both being found by the clan and taken in to be cared for.  Maybe having something common makes it easier to be friends with each other.


"He's the real big scary looking guy who brought me to Roseclan.  He's actually a really nice grown-up though and was my first friend.  I'll always remember him forever!"

Witheredkit was intimidated by Springcloud at first, being the massive size difference, but also because Witheredkit wasn't sure if Springcloud was going to take him back where he was found, which wasn't what Witheredkit wanted.  Springcloud was able to reassure him that he was able to stay and the two ended up playing a little together.  Shortly after that instance Springcloud passed away because of the intense drought that had occurred.  Witheredkit doesn't quiet understand death just yet, but he was explained to that he wasn't going to see his friend ever again.


"She seems to be pretty smart, but I can't believe she likes spiders!  Either way, I wonder how she's liking being an apprentice."

Witheredkit was intimidated by Springcloud at first, being the massive size difference, but also because Witheredkit wasn't sure if Springcloud was going to take him back where he was found, which wasn't what Witheredkit wanted.  Springcloud was able to reassure him that he was able to stay and the two ended up playing a little together.  Shortly after that instance Springcloud passed away because of the intense drought that had occurred.  Witheredkit doesn't quiet understand death just yet, but he was explained to that he wasn't going to see his friend ever again.


"He's the real big scary looking guy who brought me to Roseclan.  He's actually a really nice grown-up though and was my first friend.  I'll always remember him forever!"

Witheredkit was intimidated by Springcloud at first, being the massive size difference, but also because Witheredkit wasn't sure if Springcloud was going to take him back where he was found, which wasn't what Witheredkit wanted.  Springcloud was able to reassure him that he was able to stay and the two ended up playing a little together.  Shortly after that instance Springcloud passed away because of the intense drought that had occurred.  Witheredkit doesn't quiet understand death just yet, but he was explained to that he wasn't going to see his friend ever again.

code by jiko