


11 months, 22 days ago

Basic Info


(Clone) 81, Bass


27, give or take a few years. He was cloned from his creator at the latter's age at the time, which was 25. He came into the world fully grown and, by all accounts, did not have a childhood.


Human, and whatever semantics you would attach to a clone.


Around 6' or 180cm, though he often slouches.


Vaguely male, bisexual (he/it, they is okay if he knows you). Biracial white and latino.

Physical Characteristics

Wild, dark hair, red helmet, small nose, big buggy eyes, eye bags/face shadow, front tooth gap, prominent facial and body hair, tall and lanky, noticeable melanin


Autism and some manner of psychosis.


Dual Cryptic and Meat type. "Cryptic" as an element represents the unknown, mysterious, and taboo, and is the opposite of the "Pure" element. Meat is one of the four main elements, typically associated with the traditional element of fire.

Battle Info

Fights with a kitchen knife. Uses magical attacks known as Competences or "Savvies", possessing a good range between the elements (Meat, Smoke, Plastic, Metal, and Cryptic), as well as healing magic.

Voice Claim

Will Stetson


Bass (known originally as Ballclone #81) is an involuntary savior. After being thrust into a situation where he and a few others had to save the multiverse they inhabit, he's been resting on his laurels for a while (about six months). He currently lives in a small living area inside of a colleague's hospital and mostly focuses on trying to get by day by day.

Bass is a deeply disturbed man without a solid grip on reality. Aside from being in a constant depressed state, he's passively masochistic and prone to impulse. The owner of the hospital he lives in, Flo, is working on a treatment plan for him and doesn't want to send him away without access to psychotherapy or medication. His condition was a lot worse during the six months prior, but he's somewhat mellowed out after adjusting to his environment. After being separated from his "fellow saviors", he tends to cling to what little friendships he has and is desperate for any sort of affection.

Bass was given a small synth by Flo, something he treasures dearly. He uses it to make music, though he's self-taught and not very musically inclined. But the act of creating gives him a feeling of inner peace. He also has access to a computer with internet, with multiple monitors repurposed from defunct hospital equipment. He's particularly inspired by Lauren Bousfield, as well as Luis Dubuc, and has a soft spot for the Beatles' discography. It should be noted that Bass is not a prodigy of any sort and that the music he makes is often very harsh on the ears.

Cool Bass Fact's:

  • His fursona would be a dingo.
  • He chose his name to mimic Alk, another 81 counterpart. "Alkaline" and "base" (bass) are synonyms used to describe something that is the opposite of acidic.
  • Most of Bass' muscle is in his thighs. He has very strong legs.
  • If he had to pick a last name that wasn't his creator's, he would tentatively choose "Henderson".